Prayers needed

Thanks Chelle.
Felt bad and wouldn't have went if I wasn't so dehydrated.
Went through a lot of Iv while I was there
What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger.
Seen some hard times lately, but I know there are others in worse shape.
Damn, dude. That sucks about you getting sick, laid off, and all at Christmas time, too.

Hoping you'll be okay, man.

Praying all turns out well. Really sucks to get laid off while in the hospital, talk about a double hit.
Pipe glad they fixxed you up and sorry for the loss of a job in the mix Hope all will pan out in whatever you deside to do man :beerchug:
Was going to get laid off at the end of this week, but it just happened a little early since the doctor put me off for this week.
Still don't feel the best right now. But we'll be fine I hope.
Made it home.
Got one more fill up of morphin so Pipe's feeling fine for now.
Just said it's a stomach virus that's been going around.
Just got too dehydrated on top of that.
Can't return to work for a week so they are going ahead and laying Pipe off.
So now, just got out of the hospital and no job.
Thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers.

hahahah...he said "laying Pipe" :rofl:

Hope your feeling better.