glad you are alive, man that is just some crap. Back problems are harsh and percocets won't dull the pain if the problem is serious. Sue her and then tell the judge you would like to kick her in the lower back because she stopped short.
..and Florida IS a No Fault state~ Doesn't matter how it happened.. even if you did stop short.. she's at fault~ That's a lot of the reason some people will pull right out in front of you from a stop sign as you're traveling 55mph down the road~ They dare you to hit 'em just so they can make a buck or two~ Anytime a vehicle is hit from the rear quarter panel on back, the person hitting is automatically at fault!Gotta say the same thing here, Jinkster. Getting hit at a stop is one of the few instances where the hitter is 100% at fault, and the hitee, ( you, in this case) is of virtually no fault.
Get a lawyer to protect your intrest, because if she was dui/dwi, the insurance company could give a hard time about covering her.
Good luck, heal quickly and well.
bronc...thanks man...but hopefully I'll be just fine...but still...thank're a true friend.Bill, if you need anything let me know. Seek medical attention and legal advice pronto. You need to get your back X-rayed before you go stretching and such. I am an opponent of "banana peel" lawsuits, but this is definately not the case here. Go talk to a lawyer. Get healed up & keep the bike.
Do all the above!Get a lawyer NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll be a little richer in lets say2-3 mths and alot of rehab at the chiropractor that her insurance will pay for of course, seriously, get an attorney now, you'll be glad you did!![]()