
Bummer, I was there last friday
Roy told me what had happened to you, I was there going over the damage to my LE after my crash from the week before. came out to 4553.00 maybe you saw it.
I had a lady pull out on me on Bouquet on the 15th, i was going slow but still took a toll on the body, collar bone is the worst, ribs.
At least i'll be able to get a exhuast out of the deal, i'm gonna get the same as you, , 4 to 1 Yosh TRS titanium, how do you like the sound and look ?
mine should be done next week.
the collar bone is broke pretty bad, and the AC joint, i go see the the ortho on wednesday, kasier is killin me...
see ya around soon
I love this exhaust, add in the right map and the tre set in 5thgear mode, I think it should be illegal to have that much fun on a bike. The bike has more of a sporty feel that ever before. I rode thru Hollywood to take the scenic route home from Culver City, once I got on the 170 she just purred, I had to really pay attention to not got over 100. If it wasn't for the my little mishap, I would be looking to get a new rear suspension set up but instead I am saving for a new LH lower and upper. Its not too bad, I saw some on EBAY new and color matched for about 750 without shipping. But I just spent allot so it gonna be a few months or so before I can get the new plastics.
Ya know, when I read the last issue of Cycle World one of the sentences in Peter Egan's monthly column stuck with me. Been re-running it in my head for few days and when I read this post I just had to shake my head.

Essentially his column was about simplicity. How the more complex something is the less easy it is to handle or enjoy. He covered the sport bike versus cruiser piece, specifically sport bikes / Harleys chasm and said he told his sport bike buds (that can not understand why anyone would ride a Harley) that Harleys are 'easy to ride'....

I have since been asking myself is the Busa 'easy to ride' and compared to most bikes (ok, cruisers), it really aint!
A guy has to be about 10 times more cautious on one of these bikes, it is the fastest, the best looking and my fave but it has a deceptive lure to it - I recall one sunny day when I was easing through our neighborhood thinking I was King Shi*, steering with one hand and waving to all who beheld me when I hit a small dip and rise in the road, my right hand twisted the throttle, just a little, and I nearly went a** over tea kettle... had both hands on the bars since.

Glad you are ok, my bike is the same model and color, man, I hate to see all those scars on her but she looks repairable and agian, glad your ok!
Wow, I had a good friend have a new rear tire mounted up on his 'Busa and He had virtually the same thing happen. I figured he was just throttle happy but he said almost the same thing word for word as you. He knew the rear woudl be very slick and the next thing he knows, two miles from the dealer, he remembers waking up laying in the middle of the road!
I was feeling bad for ya during the whole read. Then I saw the pics, and that made me want to cry!

Hope you heal quickly..
Okay, you go ahead and laff with him. I'll laff AT him!

Done my share of stupid crap like that. Hurts, but at least I've been able to give entertainment to many!

Damn glad you're okay, man.




What hurt worse? The physical pain from the fall or the emotional pain from the humiliation of dropping it right in front of the dealership? That really sucks, but you're right about only being able to laugh. It happened and you can't go back in time, so you might as well laugh and keep things on the bright side. We've all been there at one point or another. I'm glad you're OK

The damage on the bike doesn't look too serious, as you have already mentioned.

Heal up! And good thing you're still around in one piece. Count your blessings!

(8Daytona8 @ Feb. 27 2007,05:52) Slider doesn't look hurt! Did it help @ ALL???
The slider did help save the lower, but its caused the bike to tip at angle causing the damage to the the upper and the windscreen. But that is a new slider on that pic
that's sucks. I know you felt sick. glad to hear your ok. Your pride will heal. The shop guys I talk to say that happens quit frequent. Guys get new tires or huge bikes. Pull out into traffic and loose it.
It does not look like you broke any plastic and scratches are not real bad. Have you thought of just seeing about getting the bike repainted?
Couple things:
1. If they didn't, the dealer should have ridden it about a mile to make sure the tire is running properly and more importantly scrub off the curing film from the manufacturer before giving it back to you.

2. What psi did they put in it? Last rear installed by dealer had 44 cold psi (didn't realize until I got home and checked)...rear was squirrely all the way home.

3. You probably picked up some horses with the new exhaust as well.

The bike doesn't look as bad as my imagine thought from reading your story.
Man that would make me wanna cry,i have the same color.mine sitting on the stands with new M3.I'll be doin a little burn out before it leaves the garage.