Prime reason why you should wear all your gear every time

Was gonna go for a ride today. Rolled the bike outside.
Walked back in and geared up. Walked back outside and..............

Tripped over a sprinkler head in my yard......
Had I not had my helmet and gloves on I would have bump on the head and skinned up hands......:rofl:

True story !
That's what happens when you're trying to sneak out at 3:00am. Karma's a biatch.LOL j/k
Was gonna go for a ride today. Rolled the bike outside.
Walked back in and geared up. Walked back outside and..............

Tripped over a sprinkler head in my yard......
Had I not had my helmet and gloves on I would have bump on the head and skinned up hands......:rofl:

Glad to hear that you're wearing full gear.:thumbsup:

True story !
Too bad, the Cuban Dragon wasn't filming you. You guys could have won $25,000 on America's Funniest Home Video.LOL
Was gonna go for a ride today. Rolled the bike outside.
Walked back in and geared up. Walked back outside and..............

Tripped over a sprinkler head in my yard......
Had I not had my helmet and gloves on I would have bump on the head and skinned up hands......:rofl:

True story !

Thats why its good to always take your time and never be in a hurry.

Did you have your helmet on when you tripped over the sprinkler?
Uh speed in the very quote you quoted I say
" Had I not had helmet on "

You can see that right or did that girl hit you in the head with said muffler she stole two yrs ago :rofl: