Funny thing, you assume that because I call you out on trash grammar that I'm white, and therefore I must be a racist that wants to lynch you. That makes you the racist bud, not me.
Second, yes, I want there to be some sort of non monetary penalty for having multiple abortions. Think about it, I'm just pre-empting their future abortions, saving them time and money. Smart people sound like crazy people to stupid people, so I suppose I can imagine where you're coming from.
Do you understand where laws come from? They didn't appear on a stone tablet somewhere, to be added later into some form of semi-permanent government. People proposed, discussed, and voted our laws into being. The people make the laws. Additionally, the scenario I proposed farcically in the posts above would never work, it's absolutely counter to everything the U.S. stands for, but it'd solve the problem.
The purpose of the thread was to propose possible solutions, as a thought experiment, to kill time, and you've consistently derailed the thread and now you're calling me a racist for telling you to use some semblance of proper English. Learn how to adult.