Pulled over by police tonight in car. 2:51AM,Not Cool

Yep you had the not cool part in the heading right. "Just got back from drinking most of the night" WTF is wrong with you or anyone who drinks and drives?!!? What if you would have hit someone who posts here on the board, or even someone else for that matter. Dude very much "not cool".
Posted via Mobile Device


You need to grow up. We all ride and you are a hazard on the road to any of us that have the misfortune to be on the road with you.
It is sooo not cool to drink and drive.... stop and think what could of happened. It could of made a drastic change in your life and even worse, someone elses...
I can't believe you'd be proud of something like this... You belong in jail! I hope you get arrested or take yourself out before you hurt an innocent person. I don't wanna get banned, so I'll stop before I really get started.
FWIW my attorney said he'd much rather fight not taking a sobriety test versus taking a sobriety test and failing = DUI.

I was told by a reputable attorney in Florida it is in his clients best interest not to take a breathalyzer!

This is complete DWI folklore and BAD advice! True...the law states that you are not required to take the field breathalyzer. HOWEVER if the officer still deems you suspicious of DWI (and a refusal is a sure way to for him to be suspicious) he then has the right to take you to the police station...there they will ask you one more time to take the breathalyzer....from this point, if you refuse... by law...like it or not they can take a blood test. It should be noted though, due to your prior refusal that choice has now set in motion a mandatory 1yr minimum suspension. Not to mention the judge will look at this decision very negatively and will only make it worse at time of sentencing.
So if you feel that buying you an extra 30 minutes or so that it takes to get to the station is worth a mandatory 1yr suspension, then by all means ...refuse the test. :poke:
Once they suspect you of DWI, they will get their pound of flesh one way or the other.

I had a drunk driver run me down on a bike,im lucky to be walking today.It really pisses me off when someone says im lucky I didnt get a ticket on my way home from drinking,your lucky you didnt kill someone???

Call a cab,get a hotel:rulez:
Not cool. Seriously, many of us (myself included) have made bad decisions like that when we were younger, but realized later how stupid it was and stopped. Don't wait until it's too late to say "I'm not doing that anymore". Heed everyone's advice and learn from others. If you must drink have a DD or if your DD disappears or becomes the designated drunk, call a friend or a cab.

Heck, there are probably even members on here near you that would probably pick you up if needed. Don't become a statistic.
Don't feel sorry for you. I don't drink a lot and if I do I don't drive. I have worked to many years at bars doing security and seen to man people get dui's and have accidents. You are very lucky that nothing happened to you.
wow havent heard anything this stupid in a while.....
ive made dumb... mistakes but i learned fast its stupid!!!!
Plus why would you want to risk never getting to ride a busa again or KILLING someones loved ones and ruining their life....evidently some people dont care

busastalker05, I wish I could show this kid the photos of the kid I cleaned up after he wrecked his GSXR1000. He was an accomplished motorcycle rider and was actually nationally ranked in some dirt bike class. He was riding down a city street at a high rate of speed. He blew a red light and didn't realize the road curved sharply after the intersection. He locked up his front brake, which caused the back end to fire upwards in a very quick motion. This sent him flying through the air about 7 feet off the ground. He only flew about 5 feet before the wooden telephone pole quickly slowed his momentum. He struck the pole with his right shoulder, flying in a Superman style position. His shoulder ripped open and the pole continued through his torso all the way to his waist. At this point he bounced off the pole and hit the ground. When he hit the pavement, his stomach burst open and the contents sprayed across the roadway. I showed up on scene less than 2 minutes after the wreck and the odor of liquor was overwhelming. The drinks he had consumed were now spread all over two lanes of traffic.

He died in a split instant.

I don't remember his name, but just today I saw the cross his family nailed to that telephone pole and I thought about him. That was 6 years ago. You may not love yourself, but someone does............and it's going to hurt them like hell when you die in a drunken riding accident.

Just something to think about.
I think the sobriety test is designed to make people fail.

I took one sober and passed.
Picked up a bunch of fellow sailors from the bar and drove them back to base. The only problem I had was the reason for being followed from the bar and pulled over. Different story.
Never drink and drive. Call a friend.:thumbsup:
How did you ever imagine you'd get sympathy on here? Just stupid.

My buddy made it through 15 months in Iraq only to end up with brain injury a month later when his D.D. was more drunk than him.

+1 to everyone saying failure to take test= minimum 1 year license revoked. Field sobriety tests are made to judge the level of impairment, not to screw over people who have bad balance on a regular basis.

Honestly, you should be ashamed. Everyone knows someone who's been affected by a drunk driver....the more I think about it, the more disguisted I get.
busastalker05, I wish I could show this kid the photos of the kid I cleaned up after he wrecked his GSXR1000. He was an accomplished motorcycle rider and was actually nationally ranked in some dirt bike class. He was riding down a city street at a high rate of speed. He blew a red light and didn't realize the road curved sharply after the intersection. He locked up his front brake, which caused the back end to fire upwards in a very quick motion. This sent him flying through the air about 7 feet off the ground. He only flew about 5 feet before the wooden telephone pole quickly slowed his momentum. He struck the pole with his right shoulder, flying in a Superman style position. His shoulder ripped open and the pole continued through his torso all the way to his waist. At this point he bounced off the pole and hit the ground. When he hit the pavement, his stomach burst open and the contents sprayed across the roadway. I showed up on scene less than 2 minutes after the wreck and the odor of liquor was overwhelming. The drinks he had consumed were now spread all over two lanes of traffic.

He died in a split instant.

I don't remember his name, but just today I saw the cross his family nailed to that telephone pole and I thought about him. That was 6 years ago. You may not love yourself, but someone does............and it's going to hurt them like hell when you die in a drunken riding accident.

Just something to think about.
