pureego vs. rgd808

hhehe,, I got killed!

Dangit.. You were actually sorta right RGD.. I did watch the raider game.. but not at hooters... was just at a friends house. Then sat around last night watching tv and never got motivated...

I thought I would have all day today to easily smoke you.. but alas... no. Dangit..

They specified that I wash the 'busa... you only have the gsx1k right now right. /? I think I smell a technicality.
oh.. oops.

They didn't specify a hayabusa...

What day is good for your washing? Just bring it on down and I'll wash, and wax it! hahah
I think you missed this one Mr. Ego:
The winner wins a free bike wash at Flying Swan Cafe during the Hayabusa.org get together in August 2003.

Second place get to wash first place's bike at Flying Swan Cafe during the Hayabusa.org get together in August 2003. Hurry boys! [/QUOTE]

"On the road again..."
Oh yeah... I was reading everything too fast. . .

I guess I needa get all my shots up to date and a haircut to look purdy for the passport.
BAcharlesQuote (rgd808 @ Dec. 28 2002,7:11)

Can you believe I live in South Dakota and we have absolutely no snow on the ground right now. none and its 58 degrees today.

How's your weather Brian ?

Is that me you're talking to?

No Brian, I think Ego's name is also Brian.

Thanx Thinker,

I forgot all about that. I've been away for the board for a few days and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I missed ya'll.

Brian (the #1 Brian that is)
hhehe,, I got killed!

Dangit.. You were actually sorta right RGD.. I did watch the raider game.. but not at hooters... was just at a friends house.   Then sat around last night watching tv and never got motivated...  

I thought I would have all day today to easily smoke you.. but alas... no.   Dangit..

They specified that I wash the 'busa... you only have the gsx1k right now right. /?   I think I smell a technicality.
By this summer who knows what I'll have....

thanks for the gimme, boy I was on every thread struggling to find something to post to. I'll hang back and maybe we can go double or nothing to 600.

later B

Can you believe I live in South Dakota and we have absolutely no snow on the ground right now. none and its 58 degrees today.

How's your weather Brian ?
Is that me you're talking to?  

Could have been. I was just dying for things to post.

and yes (pure ego) is a Brian as well..
Sounds good RGD...

actually I'm a Bryan just becuase the spelling looks better.. and I don't get things addressed to "brain" this way. haha!

Bryan, the original! Keep your common place "brian's" I need them not!

shoot.. I still haven't made it to 500 posts..I'm such a slacker!

I resolve to post more!
Izz OK mano. I reckon it's not the first.. or millionth time its happened.. I'm within ten.. what happened.. I was within 4 earlier.. haha.
I'm up by 4... no wait.. 5 afer I post this highly important, and informative post!

Is this thread still going? You both should be at 1,000 by now. I am working on 700.
