Great thread.
Train, Keith Codes is the man, you have got to get the books. If you can only find the second one, get it. I think its better than the first anyway. There is another one called, "Concepts of advance sportbike riding" or something like that. It's great, however I let a friend "borrow" it and it has never been returned.
I don't know what your riding history is but if you rode any dirt you might be handicapping yourself, unconciously.
Notice, do you ever push the busa side to side under you. Most dirt riders tend to use this technique to help the bike "slide" around and still keep in control. This is bad on a street bike because it lessens available traction. All the comments above are right on point. That's why "body steering" is so successful.
If you can hang alittle "cheek" off the seat notice that you can keep the busa more upright in the turns (perpendicular to the road), which inturn gives you a bigger tire contact patch on the pavement. More contact patch=more traction to play with.
Keep at it. Just please try not to panic if you come into a turn a little too hot. Just lean,countersteer, hangoff a little, give it a little gas (maintanence throttle) to unload the front wheel, and she WILL turn.
IF you ever hear the tires start to...Howl (only way I can describe it) you may have reach you traction limits. Beware. Chris