Putting the Sequester in Perspective

I don't really have a problem with career politicians as there are some who honestly try to earn their living.
If the people keep voting for you than so be it. That's how the system works. But I do think those people in whatever district should be able to hold a no-confidence vote anytime anywhere in said politician if he were to start running amuck.
I don't approve of them giving themselves a raise at 3am.
I don't approve of the 'we are better than you' mentality which gives them all kinds of stupid benefits, some for life.
TERM LIMITS is the ONLY way to solve this.

How can you say that? Honest men can't work forever at same job?
What's to say an honest one will be replacing the crooked one every term?
Constantly changing senators and congressman I honestly think would be a bad thing as it would be a constant state of change with no forward progress.
How can you say that? Honest men can't work forever at same job?
What's to say an honest one will be replacing the crooked one every term?
Constantly changing senators and congressman I honestly think would be a bad thing as it would be a constant state of change with no forward progress.

Are you serious or just joking?

Anytime you get yourself in a position to rob Peter to pay Paul you will always get Paul's support (vote). That's what politicians do when they become so powerful due to spending a life time in the political arena that they can literally take money from one segment who earned it and give it to a voting block free of labor in order to get their support literally guaranteeing a successful re-election. Once we have more Paul's begging government for more of Peter's money it's a down hill slide to the bottom.

Divrman is nuts on! The only way this country will ever get back on track to prosperity (In my view) is through term limits. We have term limits on the presidency (Thank God) and governorships and we desperately need to have term limits in the congress as well. Every time I look at Harry Reid who refuses to do his job which includes passing an annual budget makes my lip quiver. Harry, like so many carrier politicians was elected as a young man to the senate and will soon leave due to old age and senility a very rich man. Did he earn his $12M net worth on the salary of a senator? You decide! :dunno:
It takes a little while to learn how government works, and to rise high enough in committee seniority to actually get something done. 3 terms (12 years) is enough. Long enough to learn the system, but not long enough for people to actually consider it a career.
Do two terms. PERIOD.
No retirement. No benefits. No freebies from ANYONE.
Do your term, terms, and GO HOME. PERIOD. Get a ****ing job!
Live by the same rules and laws as the citizens.
Career my ass. Politicians are suposed to work for the people. Not the people work to serve the politicians.
IMHO, there's no such thing as a "career politician"...even the good ones with the best of intentions become bloodsucking leeches out for #1. The system is inherently flawed to allow for abuse, and the longer someone's in that position of power, the more apt they are to push that envelope, do special favors, take anything offered in trade for a vote.

Term limits are a must for every single position in our elected gov't body...keep 'em fresh and on their toes!
How can you say that? Honest men can't work forever at same job?
A ) It was never intended to be a "career" by those that formed it
B ) Those that originally served did so for free as a service to their fellow citizens and country
C ) They all had other "careers" they went back to and maintained while serving.

Term limits are in place for length of time they can keep their jobs until they are supposed to "earn" it back but only one has been updated, by amendment to limit the number of terms any one elected official can serve. That was the President. It seems the job of the "honorable" position has become about as lucrative a job as any on wall street, as evidence look and try to find any of the congressional folks that have not added to their net worth, to well over $1M in their time in office. Some have grown their net worth by 10s of millions while in office. Hard to explain that when your salary is publicly available.

I offer this from a pretty smart fellow. "if some termination to the services of the chief Magistrate be not fixed by the Constitution, or supplied by practice, his office, nominally four years, will in fact become for life" - Thomas Jefferson
Term limits is another talking point that sounds like it will change something but in reality will make little to no difference. We can't elect out the horrible people we have now, we re elected one of our worst presidents ever to a second term. There's a larger problem than career politicians. Career welfare and huge forms of dependence all perpetuated by the class warfare. We'd rather speculate and value people's worth, buy cheap as possible, not deal with immigration, perpetuate inflation etc. The rhetoric answers the conservatives throw around are no more credible than non sensible economics thrown around by the libs. Fact is there are hard times ahead and until we all come to terms with the fact were making the coming times even more difficult to overcome. It will take both sides working together to fix this, sad part is well leave it for our kids, some example were setting