Q for the ladies:

4 pages? ? for THIS Topic? Was there a full moon last night? what the heck, huh!

I don't really believe this article because smell is so subjective but it's a good place to start.

The cologne I get most reaction from is Yojhi for men. Had complete strangers making compliments and a few at work got a smile on thier face. One ever turned in her tracks and followed me down the hall. I bought more of it obviously. Hard to find though. My PERSONAL favorites are 'Azzarro original', Sculpture, Cartier, Angel, but I do Aqua Di Gio to stay hip and about 12 others I have laying around
OBsession IS good but not for me anymore... reminds me of a certain someone I have moved on from

Its funny how a scent can make you remember a certain person or a time in your life...
I hardly ever use cologne... I forget what the stuff I have is but it is like an essential oil... one has a vanilla scent, one a cucumber vanilla and one a cinnamon... I know it sounds gay... but women ask me all the time what I'm wearing...:p
VA, you have GOT to be kidding me.  I wanna slap some common sense into your under dressed woman coworker!  Dresses to INCITE tongue drool, then calls them Pervs?  No means yes, stop means more... THIS is where we get THAT from!   She's a perfect example.

I was curious if women were affected in teh work place, and it sounds like the degree if very different.  Great perspective.  I was trying to keep in on a clothing level but that really didn't apply as much as confidence, humor, kindness etc.   You can see how WE guys think now.....  we DON'T!
Hey, I don't condone how she dresses, but many women believe if you've got it, flaunt it...who am I to judge?

The point was that she does attract the men by the way she dresses...they do drool all over her and I notice that they walk around with some extra spring in their step as if they've conquered Mt. Everest, when all they did was make fools of themselves...sure, she may ask for it, but guys fall for it...who's really to blame?

You nailed it when you said that you were trying to keep this conversation at the "clothing level"...gals don't stop there...THAT is surely where men and women differ...

As for your comment about my "friend coming out of the closet"? He hasn't worked here in years, but stopped by just last week after not making an appearance for over a year...every gal here was standing next to him talking, giving hugs, etc...he has no closet my friend; the way he treated us all with respect makes him very popular...
why don't we post a picture of ourself in a business/work attire that we think will attract the other gender. We could comment on it, give opinions. Lets do a makover if required. You first!

The Hayabusa Boy makeover. What do you think VA??? We could really have a lot of fun with that.
Hey, I don't condone how she dresses, but many women believe if you've got it, flaunt it...who am I to judge?
it's not judging at all, it's getting her to OWN UP. SHE dresses to get attention - then calls them 'pervs'. That is w r o n g. That's as bad as guy saying he'll call and then doesn't. It's just wrong. and someone should fix it. That someone is you, VA
Hey, I don't condone how she dresses, but many women believe if you've got it, flaunt it...who am I to judge?
it's not judging at all, it's getting her to OWN UP.  SHE dresses to get attention - then calls them 'pervs'.  That is   w r o n g.    That's as bad as guy saying he'll call and then doesn't.  It's just wrong.   and someone should fix it.  That someone is you, VA  
Out of my realm of expertise...

If she wants to dress "nicely" because she can, and the guys come running, she plays nice so they don't feel stupid, then she calls 'em pervs, it's ALL her fault? Perhaps they shouldn't become lap dogs the second they see her, hrmmmm?
Isn't SHE the one pointing the gun and pulling the trigger? You would save her from herself. She is enabling her own hypocritical self disillusionment. And since you know about it and can help, you are aiding and abetting!
hahahhaha [guilt guilt guilt]
Isn't SHE the one pointing the gun and pulling the trigger?  You would save her from herself.  She is enabling her own hypocritical self disillusionment.  And since you know about it and can help, you are aiding and abetting!  
 hahahhaha   [guilt guilt guilt]
I'm not getting in the middle of someone's preference on dress...

I do think she "asks" for some of the attention she gets, however, I see the men that "fall" for the game equally pathetic...

Clear as mud?

And no guilty feelings here my friend...not a one...
I think if a woman exposes some skins, it's meant to be looked at.
Of course drooling over it is inapropriate. You look then look away. No staring. I can't believe when I am walking the street of NYC and crosses a nice lady, I'll give her a quick look and that's it. I can't believe the guys that goes on making comments or keep turning their head when they are to far to appreciate what they just saw. Move on, there will be others. Geezzzz.

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VA, what are the guys saying when she isn't around? They may be laughing it up, calling her skank and such.

Scent? I can't find a mens "perfume" that doesn't smell like it should be on a woman. Drakar is about it, then every other teenager in town was wearing it. They also smell different on you than they do out of the dispenser.

Women want men they can't have. When I was single, it was much more difficult to get a date. After I was dating or married, finding a date was/could have been easy as pie.

A smart woman, that spends a little time in the gym, and looks nice, is much sexier than a bimbo that dresses like a slut. If they are too stupid to talk to (Jessica Simpson) I have no use for them.

Cosmo and the rest of the mags are nothing more than fight starters. A man could never live up to the mags, unless he is gay.

Women, as long as your but cheaks and boobs are not hanging out, it's OK with me. A little cleveage is OK just not falling out if you bend over.

Me? Tucked in shirt, jeans or columbia casual jeans, shoes depend on what I take to work that day. Jeans are all ways baggy. I used to wear Levis 501's, but I can't get my legs into them after a few washes. (Now my casuals are getting a little tight in the legs.) I'm all ways polite, joke, and when they are looking at me, I LOOK THEM IN THE EYES. I look down their shirt when they look away.
If they like you and it is going to go beyond stoping by and saying good morning, there will be plenty of time to ogle later.

Rant off,

my work attire (engineer):
suit/dress pants, shirt and tie/casual depending on the day.
If I meet clients, stay i the office or go on job site.
I am business casual 90% of the time...
Unless I have a settlement and then I even wear a tie...:D