Question for all of you painters


I am wanting to learn how to paint and I already have a 60 gallon compressor and the garage to start in. I was wondering what would be a good spray gun to start out with that would run off of low pressure (I only want to paint bikes) and then what oil/water seperator I need to run in between the gun and the air compressor to keep any moisture out of it. Also any pointers on technique and how to prep. I was wondering on bike fairings you just sand it up to 400 grit?? Thanks for the info. later
Sharpe and Devilbiss both make pretty good hvlp to your local rep.......maybe talk to Bullet too.....see what he uses.....he knows his poop big time.......he's my advisor!!!!
Most auto paint shops can recomend a good seperator........totally depends on waht you can find locally.......I run a sharpe seperator, and am very happy with it.
The biggest part of it is patience. I have been an aviation painter for almost 20 years and the biggest problem people get into when starting out (with all the right gear and fluids) is taking their time. Careful prep work, controlling (temperature, humidity, dust), mixing the paint and then testing it on a test peice are key to getting going with a good mix. The last thing you want is to do all the prep and rush the spray job and have it AFU because you hurried.
Thanks for the info guys. I am sure that I can prep the stuff (I have been polishing frames and misc. stuff lately. So I can get that. I just have to practice spraying and taking my time. I just want to start out with the right equipment.
I am thinking about it. I have to take the leave. I should have all of the stuff to put the busa back together around the 25th of this month. What about you?
I am trying to plan it also, looking good so far.

I am looking for someone who has room and can load up a rolling chassis, with a couple of boxes of parts, (motor in peices, and plastic) It is in Vacaville at my buddys house.
If you are driving and have room, I can pay for your gas.