Radiator flush


Evil Demon Busa Rider
Donating Member
Since I have the bike apart for chain and shock work, I noticed there's a little sludge in the resrvoir. I'm going to flush the radiator while the shock is being rebuilt. The service manual description makes it seem pretty easy, albeit cumbersome.

However, since I'm going to the West Coast Track Day in September, should I consider using Water Wetter instead of the usual glycol fluid? My biggest concern is that it will be in there for about 8 months and 5 of them will be REALLY hot months here in New Mexico.

Your recommendations will be greatly appreciated, as always! Hell, I'd already be dead without y'all!

(But damn, I love wrenching on this bike!)


Water does great, no overheat problems here. Even in LA rush hour in the summer. Been told by someone that nothing cools better than water.

Its the freezing part you have to be careful about.

Definately use water wetter with water, it has an anit-corrosive agent.

I need to flush the Busa(its been a year) and the 750(it has the glycol).
And Julie's Busa needs a flush(been a year also).

Hey Lou,

You wanna come over for dinner  

The Water Wetter works GREAT for cooling...BUT it does nothing for freezing.

Go ahead and throughly flush the system...use distilled water. Add the proper amount of the WW...do the burping (bike, not you from too much beer)

If you keep your bike in the garage and start it a couple of times a week it won't freeze up on ya
Excellent pointers, guys. I think I better err on the side of caution and use the glycol for now. It's been freezing up nicely here and I sure don't want to run the risk of a cracked block or some damn thing.

I'll just have to change it out for the track days if it's required.
