Radioactive Parts From Japan???


I am waiting for my dealer to get in another shipment of rectifiers so I could get mine swapped out. Is it possible that parts being sent out from Japan might be contaminated by radioactive materials. Or, how about the boxes used for shipping. Or, how about future motorcycles. Or, how about anything shipped from Japan to the United States. This is just something to think about since there is no way to know. Might be time to purchase a Geiger Counter.
Or how about the banana that came from south america. Radiation occurs naturally in our environment. It's doubtful that customs would let anything ship that exceeded US standards.

Also, we have been living with a lot of it in our environment since the first test in the 40's.

I think we'll be alright.

Do you have a microwave oven in your home, how about a smoke detector.
I'de be more concerned about Google, notice what the add at the bottom of the page is for? Radiation Alert:rofl:
Radioactive parts! I want those ! hummm, it's "Back to the future" DeLorean technology on a Hayabusa! Is that cool or what??
I am waiting for my dealer to get in another shipment of rectifiers so I could get mine swapped out. Is it possible that parts being sent out from Japan might be contaminated by radioactive materials. Or, how about the boxes used for shipping. Or, how about future motorcycles. Or, how about anything shipped from Japan to the United States. This is just something to think about since there is no way to know. Might be time to purchase a Geiger Counter.

Just to make you feel better, you are about 1,000 times more likely to die from a left turning car than radiation sickness. There, did that cheer you up:rofl: