Radioactive Parts From Japan???

On a serious note, I like the way you think. I believe (but can't be certain) that Einstein once said "A good question is worth more than the most brilliant answer."
Just to make you feel better, you are about 1,000 times more likely to die from a left turning car than radiation sickness. There, did that cheer you up:rofl:
You are correct. Unfortunately many bikers do die in that type of accident.

On a serious note, I like the way you think. I believe (but can't be certain) that Einstein once said "A good question is worth more than the most brilliant answer."
Great quote!!!
glow in the dark- save battery power:laugh:

and those rectifiers that come from china are actually 'rectumfiers', y'all get it...:rofl:
I can't believe you people aren't taking this question seriously. A bloke just down the street from me had his tyre replaced with one from Tokyo last week. Next day his bollocks fell of and rolled down a drain. This radiation chit ain't funny!!!
I can't believe you people aren't taking this question seriously. A bloke just down the street from me had his tyre replaced with one from Tokyo last week. Next day his bollocks fell of and rolled down a drain. This radiation chit ain't funny!!!

Have you read about the Ronald Reagan? It, it's crew and helicopters are all contaminated. I don't think that's too much of a stretch to think that Japan's exports will be high in radioactivity. Of course they will not say, Deadly, just blow it off before use. :whistle: Kind of like how they've told their citizens just to stay inside.:laugh:
I'm only a couple of hours from mainland Japan. I'm feeling dizzy and I'm turning flourescent green!:rofl:
+1 for radioactive parts! Can't wait to get mine. Then I'll take it for a dyno. Definitely more HP. I'm not sure though if it will effect the dyno to show a happy dyno graph. lol :rofl: