Ram mounts

00BusaTX and his wife would probably go, Lavinrac is a local and would probably be in. I haven't heard from Lone in a bit he might be another one and TXbikerdude in in McKinney. It would be fun to get a group together and meet up again.
00BusaTX and his wife would probably go, Lavinrac is a local and would probably be in. I haven't heard from Lone in a bit he might be another one and TXbikerdude in in McKinney. It would be fun to get a group together and meet up again.

Absolutely, I know Demmym is in, and maybe busapilot08. And we have some new guys in the area as well, maybe 5 to 6 bikes!
waaaaah! all i gooooooot is snooooooooow and I wannaaaa gooooo!!

oh and as no one else has:

Better than no pics at all.. :laugh:
And call me dense but where the heck is Tallihina? :whistle:

LOL, here ya go Doyle.

Heres where Talihina is, middle of the map. Also called "Rim of the World". Supposed to be a nice ride, most usually go to Mena Ark for lunch and then ride it back to the West. Its the best we got. I think..........


Well thats cool, wish I would have known you were coming through! :cheerleader: Where are you headed?
Well thats cool, wish I would have known you were coming through! :cheerleader: Where are you headed?

We are heading into Semi's territory at East St Louis,Il Then off to Chicago for tomorrow morning and then finally home for Christmas. :please: Oh by the way Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you too my friend, may you have clear and sunny roads home. Be safe! Say hi to Mary for me!
I got a TomTom One 130 for Christmas! :cheerleader: Anyway, I have been searching the board for a good ram mount. Not really set on a particular style, stem vrs bar, but I like the reservoir set up. Will that work ok without contacting the windscreen? Anyone have an extra mount they would like to sell? I dont want to pay 70 bucks for a tech mount.

Excuse me Mr James. How is it you know what you got for Christmas and its only Dec 23rd.


Did somebody peek.
Hi all,

I have got a TOMTOM-Rider Navi for Christmas. Now I am looking for the best mount-system (RAM?).
Who has the same navi mounted?

Thanks in advance
