
Heh Russ, couple of other things to chew on...You are absolutely right when you talk about height of the bed...I have a Duramax 1ton. I got a ramp made for my truck that is an eight foot ramp...weights about 80 lbs. I could carry a 3000 lb safe up it if I had the strength..which i don't. But here is something to consider. If your ramp is too short and the ground is level you will have a pretty wicked angle when you change from cement to ramp. Keep in mind that you have to carry a little speed as you approach this critical juncture. When the front wheel leaves the pavement and hits this relatively steep section (if the ramp is too short) you could get a nasty little compression out of the forks and get off center...and then the shizzle is on. Ever watch some of the utube things where guys crash their bikes trying to get on or off ramps? Having a 600 lb bike land on your chest or pelvis could be death on a stick, mate.
I'm glad you posted up this question...I'm going to investigate some of these ramps the other guys are using...Was seriously thinking of just renting a trailer next track day...I was just riding to the track but now I want to bring more junk with me...:laugh:

U-haul. $29/day or less depending on your location and availability. :thumbsup:
Excellent idea, I had been thinking about ramps and didn't like the idea of loading/unloading it alone for the occasional track day. I just checked the rates and I can get a U-Haul motorcycle trailer w/ramp for $14.95 per day - Problem Solved...

- LoadAll V3 Concept[/url]

If you need to load a bike into a truck this seems like the best way to me :whistle: wheel chocks sold separately :laugh:
There is nothing like a good set of ramps, for years I used the trick of finding the lowest spot in someone's driveway to load using jury rigged set ups. Then could never unload by myself, had to find neighbor kids or their dads to help me. Now I have a good set or ramps that I can load and unload myself plus a good set of tie downs. Mindful I have a long bed on my truck so I can stow everything easily and still close the tail gate. :cheerleader:




Hey what kind of cover is that, its beautiful?
It is a Geza and I got it from Pashnit, excellent way to cover the bike while you are hauling or traveling. Stow's inside the hump.
