F=MA, those are amazing shots...just incredible
My fav
How many smiles has the invention of Photoshop bestowed upon us?
Yes, but your photography is stunning in it's raw form.
I took the one with the sign on a business trip to Richmond, VA. The other is a very unflattering shot of me being sill in Waco, TX.
This is the photo that kindled an interest in photography for me. I took it with a Canon Powershot S30 back in 2004. Two years later I got my first "real" camera.
One thing is undeniable...I have one of the best views out of my office windows there is...and if I don't like the view, all I have to do is wait five minutes for it to change.
OMG... That's a one of a kind photo!! Just out of curiosity... Do you remember where that was?