
You still have employment in your region.

The most impoverished region is at the southern tip of Texas. The metropolitan statistical areas for McAllen and Brownsville, Texas, have the lowest incomes and most food stamp recipients of any in America.

"When looking at the entire [metro area] we have a lot of communities that do have large pockets of poverty," says Mike Perez, the city manager of McAllen, Texas. "A lot are recent immigrants--that's part of it. There's a language barrier. And because they're recent immigrants, they don't have the education. That's tied to having jobs that pay well. It's a bit of a vicious cycle."
Did you see the median income?? :poke: I guess there are a few $18,000 jobs there if I want one of those.
:beerchug: don't worry it's all under control, we just need another celebrity death I guess ....
Did you see the median income?? :poke: I guess there are a few $18,000 jobs there if I want one of those.

:poke: Maybe the light bulb hasn't gone off yet. Time to move and find other opportunities!

$375.00 a week gross is barely sustainable for a family of three, let alone one person, unless all you do is swear at the sheep from the rocking chair on the front porch, smoke homegrown weed in corn husk pipes and make Government cheese sandwiches.
:poke: Maybe the light bulb hasn't gone off yet. Time to move and find other opportunities!

$375.00 a week gross is barely sustainable for a family of three, let alone one person,

Are you kidding~?~

My electric bill is that much~!!~
:poke: Maybe the light bulb hasn't gone off yet. Time to move and find other opportunities!


I was raised and lived just outside of Albany from the time i was 4 til I was 26. Been gone 3 yrs now. Guess this shows that it was a good thing I left.


I got ya cookie! I was thinkin you couldnt read very well with one eye so I figured I'd make it a little clearer for ya!!:poke:
It's cool,,, I had the other one out last night,, boiled it and it's back in working now!

I can see much betta now! Me want more cookie's!?

Hey,, if you had big googlie eyes, you'd take them off and clean them every once in a while, too! :laugh: