Real men eat hotpeppers

Wash off your hands before you go to the bathroom...or wipe your face....that is one thing that you only do once after touching a hot pepper. I'll just leave it at that.
Jalapeno peppers are hurting you? I got a couple things drying in the garage I need to send you. :laugh:

Suck it up, buttercup!




Yum yum....bring on the rectal explosion!




im sorry... whimp or not... the acid reflux i got from my dad would kill me.. i cannot eat that type of stuff .
chrisjp: that kinda sucks. Sorry about your luck on that though. And, you know, i love a good hot pepper, but I'd never make fun of someone's inability to eat them.

The Naga Jolokia has been tested at over 1,001,300 Scoville heat units! Almost twice as hot as the old champ, the Red Savina Habanero.
When eating this type of stuff there IS some standard equipment that you must keep close by. When goin to the bathroom the next day you must have a Pine Top to beat the fire out with. THEN the next time you go you'll probably need someone to hold a gun to your head to make you go.:laugh: