Rear turn signal intergration

Well it’s not working the way I expected it to.  After installing the LED brake lights I though by installing the (Napa #552 flasher unit) the turn signals would flash normally.  They are not flashing continuously but in a 5:1 ratio, 5 times fast and 1 time steady.

This is better than before but not what I expected.

MRTRIS:  Is this how your turn signals flashed after installing the flasher unit?  I connected the wires to pin F and pin G of the turn signal/side stand relay.
Puck- We both have 02's. My lights don't flash like that at all.
I went an took a pic of the wires. They are the light blue with green tracer and orange with green tracer. Here is the pic.

I would just check the wires again just to make sure.
I will send you a email with a small vis of my lights flashing.
My first attempt with the 5:1 ratio failed because I wired the stock turn signal relay and the (Napa #552 flasher) in series.  I jumpered the wires from the #552 flasher to pins F and G on the stock turn signal relay.  That would explain why it was flashing 5 times fast and 1 time slow, both relays were working together.

Removed the jumper wires and the #552 flasher, then tested the turn signals; they were back to a continuous flash.

Cut the two wires going into the stock turn signal relay, (pins F and G) Light Blue / Green tracer and Orange / Green tracer.  Then I connected the #552 relay to the same two wires going into the wire bundle.  The two wires coming from the stock turn signal relay (the other end of the wires I cut) were left disconnected.  When I tested the turn signals, they did not work.  I tried both the + and – connectors on the #552 relay.

I have reconnected all wires back to the stock configuration and the turn signals are back to a continues flash with the LED brake lights installed.  When I install the stock brake lights, the turn signals flash normally.

What am I doing wrong?  Can you explain just how you connected the #552 flasher and what did you do with the stock turn signal relay?

I looked at your picture and those are the same two wires I cut.  This seemed simple enough, but it’s kicking my butt.

MRTRIS, thanks for your time and effort with this.
Puck-I'm stuck. What you did is correct. I cut the two wires. Put one wire on one side of the flsher, the other wire on the other side. The stock wires comming out of the relay, i just taped the up and left them alone.

My bike has a turn signal intergrator, and rear led lights. This should work just fine on your bike. I wish there was moe I could do.

I'm sending you that vid.
MrTris:  Received your videos, thanks.  I could here the relay when the turn signals flashed.  I could here the relay on mine also in the 5:1 ratio.

I called Flash Alert and they are sending me two resisters for the integrator kit.  The resisters put a load on the turn signal connection to allow normal operation.

Thanks for your help.  When I get the resistors installed, I will let you know the out come.
Well I used the u haul one and both bulbs flash when either turn signal is on and it's hooked up right.......what gives?
hey that's my line.........we had it hooked up and left the stock wires hooked up the integrator could not do it''s job........once we cut the stock wires free from the stock harness it works fine.
Hey guys,

I just installed the turn signal integration mod. I used the $12 trailer version from Advanced Auto. It works good but when I step on the brake while the turn signal is on, it blinks twice as fast. Anyone else have this problem? Will the Napa #552 fix this. Please advise.

Why do you guys have to do that in the tail light. I know some guys with that mod and it is very hard to see the turn signals in the day time. Just be careful not to end up with a ford truck parked on top of you.
Don't wanna poke holes in the 'Busa's sexy body! I've seen the other options out there and I think this is the cleanest look.

You're right, though. It is hard to see during the day and is hard to tell which turn signal is on at night (since the entire tail light seems to illuminate). I made a divider with foil tape to help distinguish between left and right turns. Works pretty good.

Still workin' on the fast blinking when brake and turn signal on at the same time. I'll keep the board up to date...
Dudez & Babez,

How many of you have removed your rear turn signals and integrated them into the brake light? Not too noticeable, is it?

Well check my new mod: LED Turn Signals integrated into the rear view mirrors in the shape of the Hayabusa Kanji Logo. Bad Azz, huh!?! What do you think?

:eek: Just what we like here at a newbie who brings his own toys :biggrin:

Hey Razor I'm In Durham and in the charlotte area a lot, will be there for a few days the end of the month. How about telling me where you got the hook up for that at? Coz you you know I GOT TO HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!