rear wheel confused


So I took off my rear wheel to get the tire changed.
Now I have 2 bearings and a spacer that has 2 different sizes on each end.
Where does this go?
This is the last time I do something half asleep!
Bearings should not be removed, only the spacers. You should have a shop look over the wheel and replace the bearings if necessary.
If I remember correctly the spacer goes on the left side of the wheel, but I have slept since the last time I removed it. If you removed your bearings they are most likely trash now. They have to be pressed into the wheel. Why did you remove the dust covers and bearings?
Back when I pulled my rear wheel to change the sprocket I took a few pics so I wouldn't forget what went where,don't know if these will help any.





The long spacer goes behind the rear sprocket where the cush drive rubbers are.
Rears are different sizes, can only go in one spot "spacers" if you actually pulled seals and bearings thier quite a fight to get out.....