if you're gonna do that, might as well look for an 08 donor.This is a swap NOT for the faint of heart, you will a COMPLETE wiring harness AND computer from a newer model,the matching fuel tank with pump to get it done,the COMPLETE engine with ALL the fuel injection intact,basically you'll be swapping over ALL the electronics,wiring,fuel system,and engine from a newer model.
If you rebuild it, be advised that 1 and only 1 vendor can get the cross hatch in the cylinders near what it should be and that is Millennium.the motor has already been swopped out in the past and is now i believe to be 03' or newer cause the idle control is on the throttle body and i had to get pwr comdr for 01 or newer
Millenium Machine,they are the only people that can machine the cylinders so that you'll have proper ring seat and wear.Ask any reputable builder about this,9 out of 10 will tell you this,give Joe Hahn @ Orient Express who is one of the best builders alive,he can help you.? sorry not sure what that means why are they the only ones