Recent Downtime Today


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Hey folks, sorry about the downtime today. I got up early and went to church, out to eat lunch with the family and a group haircut for the boys in the house... Came home, crashed on the bed and the phone rang and it was lil Ricky (Professor) soon followed by a call from Omslaw and somewhere in there were members notifying admins like Ks-waterbug and DR1300r....

The host had some problems earlier this morning and the server didnt recover and needed to reboot. Once I found out there was an issue it took less that 15 minutes to resolve... Please pass my sincerest apologies to all of your spouses and children for the frustration that you all took out on them during the down time......

hey capt' cant get rid of me that quick.
It's like a day without sunshine.

Wait! I live in Arizona!

It's like a day with rain.


Thought it was something wrong with my machine for a minute, but then I was able to get to other sites and figured it had something to with the server or some similar attack.
I was forced to do my research writing homework and watch football... the humanity of it all...
I was forced to drive.. while Mary did Christmas shopping on line.. So it was all good she got alot of our shopping done..
Went and did a little fly fishing in the down time.
Busasweety and I were talking on the phone about the downtime. We knew everything would be ok, and it is. Thank you wife was riding all day, so she missed the brunt of my frustration.
I was really losing it--swearing at the computer etc. I decided to change the oil and wanted the thread on removing the right fairing on the new '08. Oh well, figured it out myself. Checked with the board when I was done and discovered it did it right! It's amazing how much we all rely on this board for info!!!!
I just thought it may be because of the big ice storm...
This was what I pondered also, along with:
What is my purpose on this earth?

Why am I so alone?
Why doesn't anybody reach out to me?
Am I a failure?

I should just end it.

There is no point to this existence...

No, not really, but it did suck to not chime into the org.