Rectifier recall notice came today

After fighting the JackA$$ stealership for 3 weeks, he finally called me today to say that my Rectumfier is in stock and ready to mount. I almost fell out of my chair when he told me that he could put it on in 30 minutes if I would bring it by in the morning at 10:00. We'll see!
Took my local dealer about 2 days to get the part and I'm dropping the bike tomorrow for the service. My schedule, not the dealers, is the issue. They expect to service it tomorrow or Monday, so it s/b available by Tuesday. :)
Got my rectifier replaced today on the 2009 Busa. They called me Thursday to set up an appointment. It took about 50 minutes to do. By the time I walked across the road and got a cuban samich(its a Tampa/FL thing) and munched it down they were done.

Big thanks to Motorsports of Tampa for being really professional. They called me back to set the appointment when the part came in and were really quick about getting the whole thing done.
It took Suzuki till 3/2011 to get their recall notice to me. Luckily, they had the parts in 3 days, and it took less than an hour to do the fix. I wasn't having any charging problems before, BTW...
I had to wait for the dealer to get my replacement as well. I called and asked about it, they said they'd give me a call when it came in. I happened to get my new rear shipped to me today, so I took my wheel off and ran up to the dealership to have them mount it (only $25 BTW, which surprised the $**t outta me). I said something about it while I was there, and it happens they had it in, but never called. Told the guy I could just swap it out while I was waiting on the tire since I already had it off and it was right there. They gave it to me and I was able to run home and swap it out before they got to and finished the tire. Pretty simple's just a little tight in there disconnecting the wire plugs. Then it's (2) 10mm bolts that have phillips nothces in them for easy removal. :beerchug:
Man you guys are lucky my suzuki dealers take forever they won't call after the work is done, and there is no scheduled appointments just drop it off and wait. I've had the worst luck with my local dealers. They won't just order the part and call me when it comes in, if I drop off my bike it will be couple of weeks before I see it again.
Been watching the thread and read the recall notice ... It doesn't state the 2011's are effected by this and my dealer says they're not. Anyone have different information?
Called my local dealer a couple days ago they had one rectifier in stock, they held it for me till I brought my bike in yesterday, took about 1/2 hr. It was a nice cool ride (30 degrees out). Glad its done!

Thanks Larson's Cycle, Cambridge Mn.!!
Took my dealer only a few days to get the part...the hold is MY schedule. Once I drop it off, their ETA is 1-2 days, depending on their work load at the time.
I walked into my local dealer (which I very much dislike) and held up the recall and he told me to give me the VIN of the bike and he will call when the part arrives. About a week later he called and and scheduled an appointment. Dropped the bike off and they had it done pretty fast. Unfortunately for me, it was 37 degrees that day and I swear it felt colder. But my bike did start showing weird signs a couple weeks before the recall. Sometimes it would just turn over and not start and I would have to turn the key off and back on a couple times. I hope this fixes it, but you never know. I have a 2008 Orange/Black and had no hassles with the issues. I told the guy at the counter, if you guys choose to test ride it, do so at your own death wish. I told them the bike was not stock and was wound up tight. He said, "We aren't going to ride the bike at all." I didn't stick around to find out, if they did or not. But I figured if anything happened to it, I would just have the ole attorney call over and I would be riding a 2011 by the end of the day. :laugh:

I lucked out . Got my notice about a week ago . Had nothing to do so stopped by the dealership to see if they had the parts in stock . They said "yeah we keep stock on 'em since the recall came out" . One hour later out the door I go .
I got my notice about two weeks ago but I haven't been riding because of the weather. I called the dealer today and they said they are out but will call when they get one. He called back ten minutes later and said they have one and will install it this week on Thursday while I wait. I have had my 08 Busa since Dec. 07 and haven't had any problems with the dealer or the bike.
Blancas been rectified! Since mine has been relocated to under the tail piece I took all bolts out except the two seat bolts and two Allen head bolts right underneath them.
Got to dealer removed these , they rolled bike right it and swapped unit.
Five minutes later I was on my way.
Hats off to Florida Sports of Stuart for being prompt and professional.
I have my recall notice but no parts. I got a call from the dealer yesterday and was told they will call me when the parts come in.