Redline Stands

I have the redline front stand..Really like it...Also have a pit bull rear stand..Like it also..Cannot go wrong with either.
I have both Redline stands, Industrial

I do at times wish the front stand didn't have stems on it as I have marred the underside of my front fork tubes but no body sees this but it upset me the first time it happened.

I just got my Pitbull Stands today for my Gen 2 and all I can say is JESUS! These things are incredible. Im not knocking redline at all because there stands look amazing, but I am very happy with my new stands. I ended up getting for the rear the "SS Rear Stand (Standard/Spooled)" this way my friends who have bikes that wont take spools can use them, and for the front the "Forklift Front Stand".... I have a fender eliminator on my Gen 2 so the stand they make specifically for the busa actually wont work because they designed it if you still have a fender on the bike. Ironically they dont recommend you buy it if you have an eliminator kit. To me that doesn't make sense but oh well!
You guys got me on that! Pics will be up tomorrow :thumbsup: any pro's or cons by using the spools instead of the standard way by using the cushions that go under the swingarm?
I can't think of any but I wouldn't know anyway. I think a spool with a groove like my delrin spools might be a tad more stable. ???
I was worried about my Gen2's tail hitting the new stand, with my old ones I'd have to be careful. New one, even though it has a handle doesn't even come close! I need a good front one now, but the old one works so I'll use it.. Just a PITA to use, lol
Im thinking about wrapping some electrical tape around the bottom of the Pitbull stands where they touch the cement when lifting the bike so they dont get scratched and scrapped up bad. Anyone do this or have any recommendations?