Regional Busa Get Together at Eureka Springs

Here is a clearer one from the org gallery.
(DaCol. @ Mar. 31 2007,17:flamethrowing:) The Camara ONLY reflects what your EYES  
SEE . Geezzzzzz you must have had a WONDERFUL time  
usually, the camera does a BETTER job than my eyes
btw, i can't speak for everyone else but i had a GREAT time

(semi @ Mar. 31 2007,09:21) forgot to attach the pic

wow, that's blurry...i think it says "Stay and watch the sunset with Busa's"
Colen, I think I know where the rest of those rolling rocks went!

Your camera drank them!
i rode by there a week ago saturday and didn't notice anything as cool as that on the sign..... thought about stopping in there to check it out but i had stuff to do.... rode over 300 miles that day by myself. sucked. where's my busa buddies?
Approaching the one month mark.

Any details need ironing out?

Everyone have their rooms taken care of?  I think I am by the coke machine this year.

Will there be a BBQ again?  

Do we need a food list?

Do we need to start an emergency contact list?  What about a list of who is coming and arrival times for safety?

Have you Ark. boys figured out a good Saturday ride for us yet?

Let me know if I can do anything from here.  My plan is to be there around 7 pm on Friday the 18th.
Wifie and I should be there around 2 PM Friday  
. Still don't know if I will bring the bike or not because of the Wifie wanting to keep traveling East Bound on Sunday ! Anyway, that means $$$ no matter what on Sat in Downtown Eurika Springs  
We will be getting in Thursday latenight. Hot Springs ride to begin around 9:00 am. Will probably get breakfast and hit the highway. Some will return early enough for the Saturday group ride. I will be in the later returning group. We do need to find out about the festivities for Saturday night.
I will be there around 2 pm on Friday if I can wake up in time after working at the bar on Thursday night. Looking forward to it,it will be a great time again.
i'm taking that friday off so i'll be there anytime, i don't know any of u guys and am looking forward to meeting u.... if u c a 07 blue lowered with bling it's me.... is there a specific time/place u r meeting that friday? the hotel i suppose is where you're meeting up at...
There should be people at the hotel. the ride to Eureka Springs from the hotel takes about 15 minutes and is a bikers dream. Many people from last year will be here again and should be a great time for all. if weather does not cooperate , there is a chance that the Hot Springs ride wont happen. keep you fingers crossed.
Guys, Shibumi, Moondog and I will be planning the Saturday ride later this month. The weather sux here today. We will need an emergency contact list for the Friday ride (if it goes down) and the Saturday ride. We can start one now or just do it first thing Saturday morning. I will carry one copy of the list and we need 2 more volunteers to carry another copy. The cook out is still a great idea. For those of us that can bring stuff let's start getting a list together of what we will bring. The meat and "beverages" we can get here.

It is looking like I may not be able to make the Hot Springs run. The Navy has seen fit to have me in Nashville all day on the 18th. So I will have a 9 hour drive to get back here for Saturday, unless I can figure out a way to get out of the trip to Nashville.

i am going to be arriving at Pointe West on Thur. night and won't be going on the ride to Hot Springs so i'll be around...i'll be riding an '05 red/black and in Room 209 so just bang on the door whenever you get in
For the cook out I will bring some more little sausage thingys....both the venison ones and the Opa's (jalepeno w/ cheese). I will also bring paper towels and plates.

If we are pitching in for a major meat buy I can do that also or just bring our own meat product whichever.
Does anyone know about changing out gauges that will be there Friday night. I bought some and havenot had the time to put them in, I have never had that apart and am a little bit scared to do so. was wondering if any one could help me do that it if it does not take a real long time. Thanks.
I think
he must be talking  
about the guage faces themselves ! Changing them to white or that glow stuff you guys do with the Kanji in the center  
Mary and I will again bring silverware, condiments, some sort of desert and soda.
not sure what all i can bring in the ol' backpack, but i will be more than happy to contribute to the cause$$$$!!! i haven't gotten a room yet, was trying to decide whether or not to stay there or ride home that night... 45 minutes (speed limit) from my house.