Remember this POS


Just call me B.O.B
This story still brings tears to my eyes.

Man who threw children off Dauphin Island bridge sentenced to death -

Man who threw children off Dauphin Island bridge sentenced to death
Friday, May 01, 2009
Staff Reporter

A Mobile County circuit judge Thursday sentenced Lam Luong to death for tossing his four children off the Dauphin Island bridge and ordered prison officials to show Luong photographs of "each of his young, beautiful children" every day he spends on death row.

"Ryan, Hannah, Lindsey, and Danny were innocent children, murdered by a man who should have been their protector, their father," Judge Charles Graddick said in sentencing the Vietnamese refugee.

"You laughed and told your wife they would never be found. You have utterly shown no remorse for your actions."

Luong, 38, threw the children — aged 3 years to 4 months — from the 100-foot-tall bridge into the cold waters of the Mississippi Sound on Jan. 7, 2008.

A jury found him guilty on five counts of capital murder and recommended the death penalty during a week long trial in March.

Graddick also ordered that any profits made by Luong or anyone on his behalf from books, TV shows, films or other productions about the slayings be transferred to his wife, Kieu Phan, for restitution in the amount of $50 million.

"And may God have mercy on you," Graddick said.

During Thursday's hearing, the judge gave Luong an opportunity to speak. Luong turned to his wife, who was sitting in the front row of the courtroom. As his voice cracked, he offered a short statement in Vietnamese. Phan began crying.

"I apologize to my wife," a court-appointed translator said after Luong finished speaking.

Hannah Luong, 2; Lindsey Luong, 1; and Danny Luong, 4 months; were the children of Lam Luong and Phan.

When she met Luong, she was pregnant with the oldest child, 3-year-old Ryan Phan, according to testimony, although Luong raised him as his own son.

The children's bodies were found one-by-one along the coasts of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana during a two-week search by law enforcement officers and volunteers.

Luong's five counts of capital murder included one for each of the four children and a fifth for killing two or more people in the same course of

Defense attorneys asked for life in prison without parole, arguing that Luong suffered from depression and a longtime addiction to crack cocaine.

They argued that Luong suffered as an ostracized mixed-race child in Vietnam. He is the son of a Vietnamese woman and a black American soldier, one of a group of children known as Amerasians.

Graddick said the aggravating circumstances of the slayings outweighed those factors.

"The feeling of falling produces a visceral reaction in the body," that for the children would have meant "sheer, unmitigated terror," Graddick said.

After the hearing, the children's uncle, Kam Phengsisomboun, left the courtroom with his arm around the children's mother. He said the family was satisfied with the judge's ruling.

"We're going to go see the babies," Phengsisomboun said, referring to the children's graves at Oddfellows Cemetery in Irvington. "We're pretty sure they already know what has happened."

Luong, who moved to the United States when he was 13, will have an automatic appeal of his death sentence.

A spokesman with the Department of Corrections said Luong was moved to Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore.
What could possess a person to do something like that? And then to blame it on being mixed? Ya that makes you a murderer. As many people that want children and can't have them, somebody would have taken care of those poor kids.
Hope his remaining stay on earth is short and the Lord sees to it that His justice is served.
sad thing is that the "american" death penalty is too humane for this p.o.s. to bad we can't ship him to another country that has a more appropiate one.
Let him hang from the bridge where he murdered his children!!! And if he has to be on Death Row for more than a week, tattoo the tops of his hands with his childrens portraits, so that he WILL see them every waking moment!!!!!!
Let him hang from the bridge where he murdered his children!!! And if he has to be on Death Row for more than a week, tattoo the tops of his hands with his childrens portraits, so that he WILL see them every waking moment!!!!!!

Prison officials have been ordered to show Luong photographs of "each of his young, beautiful children" every day he spends on death row.

I hope they follow through with this order.
Nothing that the most depraved person in human history could think up would be a bad enough death for this scum! I would gladly like an opportunity to try and dream up a few.

If there is a silver lining, those kids have no worries now! R.I.P.
Nothing that the most depraved person in human history could think up would be a bad enough death for this scum! I would gladly like an opportunity to try and dream up a few.

If there is a silver lining, those kids have no worries now! R.I.P.

Im sure I could come up with some damn close ones...which is why I still subscribe to the theory that SOME people should just be offed, period, no remorse, no rights, no appeals, no forgiveness, no second chances, no mercy

Dare I say the Org would never see ME the same if I told what I would do to this worthless sack of skin...reading this again just makes me ill to my stomach, going outside to smoke...

No women, no children...hurt them and I would gladly take you down to one of the 9 chambers of hell to make sure you get whats coming...
I will be in the chamber next door waiting when your done! Send them on over for the 2nd round!!
Im sure I could come up with some damn close ones...which is why I still subscribe to the theory that SOME people should just be offed, period, no remorse, no rights, no appeals, no forgiveness, no second chances, no mercy

Dare I say the Org would never see ME the same if I told what I would do to this worthless sack of skin...reading this again just makes me ill to my stomach, going outside to smoke...

No women, no children...hurt them and I would gladly take you down to one of the 9 chambers of hell to make sure you get whats coming...

I am with you on this one bro.
im sure i could come up with some damn close ones...which is why i still subscribe to the theory that some people should just be offed, period, no remorse, no rights, no appeals, no forgiveness, no second chances, no mercy

dare i say the org would never see me the same if i told what i would do to this worthless sack of skin...reading this again just makes me ill to my stomach, going outside to smoke...

No women, no children...hurt them and i would gladly take you down to one of the 9 chambers of hell to make sure you get whats coming...

What goes through my head when I read stuff like this that I would do to him. I agree with you Lycan a million times. No one would look at me the same either.

One would be to tie the mf'er to a tree, start with one finger and strip the skin off. The next day another finger. Everyday would move to another part. By the time the shoulder is reach, there would be so much pain from infections, insects and parsites that the body wouldn't be able to take anymore.

Sorry it just pi$$es me off so much when someone does this. "And may God have mercy on you," May God give to you what you did to them. Over and over and over.
The said thing, is he will live, at taxpayers expense for at least another decade and we will spend millions to uphold the conviction from the challenges from the do-gooder death penalty advocates, when i could solve all this in about 5 seconds with a 50 cent bullet...
In the appeal process he'll probably become the victim and get off...

First I've heard of this tragedy, unfortunately they occur daily.
The said thing, is he will live, at taxpayers expense for at least another decade and we will spend millions to uphold the conviction from the challenges from the do-gooder death penalty advocates, when i could solve all this in about 5 seconds with a 50 cent bullet...

The possibility exists, as in the case of Jeffery Dahmer, that the prison inmates will off him with near immediacy, upon his introduction to the facility's general population (genpop).

Even in prison, reportedly, there are codes; and one of them has to do with the treatment of children. Apparently.
The possibility exists, as in the case of Jeffery Dahmer, that the prison inmates will off him with near immediacy, upon his introduction to the facility's general population (genpop).

Even in prison, reportedly, there are codes; and one of them has to do with the treatment of children. Apparently.

Depends where they send him,Im guessing he will be in some kind of mentel hospital/prison.

eye for an eye

they should have walked him to the bridge and threw his ass off right after the trial
The said thing, is he will live, at taxpayers expense for at least another decade and we will spend millions to uphold the conviction from the challenges from the do-gooder death penalty advocates, when i could solve all this in about 5 seconds with a 50 cent bullet...

In the old days here in Missouri, we had a place called Jefferson City Correctional Center, JCCC, The Walls. When you were sentenced to death, you were taken to H hall, death row. You were put in a cell and the door was stitch welded shut. Your food (basically bread & water) was passed through a slot in the door, otherwise you remained in total solitude. On the day that you died, the welds on your cell door were cut and you were taken/dragged to the gallows, usually within a month if your conviction.

The good 'ol days..:thumbsup: