remember to...

This is not that hard to overcome. If you're heading out for a long ride on a hot day, drink diluted Gatorade (half water/half Gatorade) to avoid getting too much sugar while getting potassium, electrolytes, etc. If needed just get a drink during pit stops. I can't imagine someone actually getting to the point where they actually feel faint from riding a motorcycle.
(gtrpimp76 @ Jun. 06 2007,15:36) remember that you need to drink more than just water. You're losing precious ions, or electrolytes such as Na+ (sodium), Cl- (chloride, but once the anion that was bound to Na as NaCl, or just salt but dissociates in water into 2 ions) and pissing out K+ (potassium). Even if you're dehydrated, drink tons of water, you won't regain the appropriate electrochemical gradient concentration b/c the body also goes into a hypotonic state (More solvent, i.e. water, than solute, salts/electrolytes) in both the intercellular compartment as well as the extracellular and plasma fluids.

Gatorade or any other drink that contains Na+, Cl-, K+, glucose (the energy component C6H1206) and minerals to aid the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland to replace lost hormone secretions through the stress of dehydration should be supplemented with water.

All right, gotta get back to studying for my MCAT.
I was going to say that, but I could not remember how to spell some of those letters.
(BlueHaya @ Jun. 07 2007,08:flamethrowing:)
(gtrpimp76 @ Jun. 06 2007,15:36) remember that you need to drink more than just water. You're losing precious ions, or electrolytes such as Na+ (sodium), Cl- (chloride, but once the anion that was bound to Na as NaCl, or just salt but dissociates in water into 2 ions) and pissing out K+ (potassium). Even if you're dehydrated, drink tons of water, you won't regain the appropriate electrochemical gradient concentration b/c the body also goes into a hypotonic state (More solvent, i.e. water, than solute, salts/electrolytes) in both the intercellular compartment as well as the extracellular and plasma fluids.

Gatorade or any other drink that contains Na+, Cl-, K+, glucose (the energy component C6H1206) and minerals to aid the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland to replace lost hormone secretions through the stress of dehydration should be supplemented with water.

All right, gotta get back to studying for my MCAT.
I was going to say that, but I could not remember how to spell some of those letters.
In addition...
Hydrating with just plain water the night before you're planning anything strenuous in heat allows your cells to be nice and plump with liquidy goodness.
Sometimes hydrating the day of, isn't enough.
There was a study done a couple years ago in which they found out of 1000
people, 780 had significant dehydration.
This can cause chronic headaches, blurred vision, tightness of joints, constipation, urinary infections and gall stones, plus a whole host of other infinates.
Coffee, Tea, Alcohol, soda are all diaretics, which means they actually dehydrate you.
Water the night before and a good drink like the one mentioned above and you'll be GTG.
--- That's water in those mugs...
(Luvanicebum @ Jun. 06 2007,18:32) In addition...
Hydrating with just plain water the night before you're planning anything strenuous in heat allows your cells to be nice and plump with liquidy goodness.  
Sometimes hydrating the day of, isn't enough.  
There was a study done a couple years ago in which they found out of 1000
people,  780 had significant dehydration.
This can cause chronic headaches, blurred vision,  tightness of joints, constipation, urinary infections and gall stones, plus a whole host of other infinates.
Coffee, Tea, Alcohol, soda are all diaretics, which means they actually dehydrate you.  
Water the night before and a good drink like the one mentioned above and you'll be GTG.
  ---  That's water in those mugs...
thats well said i do a massive amount of miles mountain biking and i can tell ya that hydrating the night before is the ticket before i leave on the bicycle or the busa i always drink around 100oz. of water before a ride and then drink plenty while i ride

just make sure to wear some depends
besides, ya start out in diapers and ya end up diapers
That 50/50 gatorade mix sounds real logical to me. I will try that next time out..........
(Luvanicebum @ Jun. 07 2007,10:32) In addition...
Hydrating with just plain water the night before you're planning anything strenuous in heat allows your cells to be nice and plump with liquidy goodness.  
Sometimes hydrating the day of, isn't enough.  
There was a study done a couple years ago in which they found out of 1000
people,  780 had significant dehydration.
This can cause chronic headaches, blurred vision,  tightness of joints, constipation, urinary infections and gall stones, plus a whole host of other infinates.
Coffee, Tea, Alcohol, soda are all diaretics, which means they actually dehydrate you.  
Water the night before and a good drink like the one mentioned above and you'll be GTG.
  ---  That's water in those mugs...
Well put...

extra hydration night before planned strenous activity is highly recommended.

I've done trackdays in 100+ degree heat, drank almost a gallon of water and didn't urinate a drop. Then towards the end of the day....severe muscle cramps in forearm on clutch hand. Still was dehydrated and didn't replace the ionic/electrolyte component, i.e. potassium, chloride and sodium along with water.

the 50/50 gatorade to water thing is excellent!!

another thing bout dehydration is that is can cause hypovolemia=low blood plasma/water volume which can lead to temporary hypotension=low blood pressure. That can cause the dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, etc...

you're spot on about alcohol, caffeine, etc being diuretics. They inhibit the action of ADH (anti-diuretic hormone, or arginine vasopressin) which reclaim H20 from the urine in the Distal convuluted tubules and collecting ducts in Kidneys via Aquaporins and put it back into the blood. Diuretics allow water to leave through urine and causes dehydration. Diuretics also inhibit the renin/angiotensin mechanism which secrete aldosterone from the adrenal glands=ADH actions.