Removing Pair Valve bracket from Crankcase?

Sorry for your experience, I may just learn from it as that is the next thing I'm considering.
BTW, 18 ft lbs as I understand it is the effect of gravity on an 18 pound weight at the end of that 12" torque wrench. Doesn't seem like nearly enough to snap a bolt head off, I wonder if it was already flawed when you went to tighten it ?

Also, What has everybody done with the thin little tube that runs from the unit to somewhere under the airbox ?

Instead of guessing I just checked and M8 crankcase bolts get two passes 9.5 lbs the first pass and then 19 lbs on the final. There is a sequense to them all so removing/reinstalling just the two could cause an issue but doubt it since my situation didn't cause any issues.

Anyway, you are correct 18 ft lbs would not snap an M8 bolt BUT when the exhaust primary and oil filter are somewhat in the way I got lazy. It was a 12" extension on a 3/8 drive torque wrench that is about 24" long. The torque wrench never gave so it just kept on rolling and then snap. You have to go slow when working with an extension on a torque wrench and if the extension is dragging on things like a filter and primary than things really can get inaccurate. It all didn't matter since I had to drop the exhuast and the filter (which is what I should have done to begin with to avoid this) to drill out the bolt and tap the hole.
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For the second question there are two hoses from the pump. I larger hose from the bottom of the pump to the airbox and a small hose from the top of the pump is a vacuum line to the throttle body. Remove the lines and cap both locations.

Air Box Location Capped after Removal of Hose to Bottom of Pump.jpg

Right Side TB with Air Pump Line Removed and Capped.jpg