the fed ex truck dropped off a box yesterday afternoon containing my replacement left fairing, replacement slidder and a givi windscreen. i couldn't wait to get started even though i am one handed (cast on left arm/hand). i first replaced the windscreen. very easy to do. then i removed the scratched up left fairing and did a lot of studying about how to cut the new hole for my slidder. i laid one on top of he other and marked it, then i remvoved that area of foam, then put the playdough on the spot and pushed the fairing against the slidder bolt head. i then drilled my pilot hole in what looked to be the best spot for the hole cutter. i ended not getting it dead center but it worked and the slidder is on. i am just going to get some touch up paint and clear to put on the scratches on the center fairing and front fender. its amazing what you can do one handed if you want to bad enough.