Today's project...

Excellent work BT.
Suggestion for a locating tool.  Take a bolt with the same thread as the slider bolt.  Cut off the head and chuck the threaded portion in a drill press.  With the drill press on, file the end to a sharp point.  Then you could thread this back into the slider bolt hole and press the fairing up against it to leave a center punch mark.  This will enable yo to start the drill as accurately as possible.
Mikey that is hilarious.......when I read Bullet's first post I had the exact same idea, but wouldn't work that great anyway..........
I swear it's the truth....too funny. :tounge:
Looks like a bunch of us had the same idea. Great minds think alike! :beerchug:
This snuck by me, Looks good bro. I am thinking about getting some of those Light-em-up sliders for Lilah. You can even set them to flash with your signals, kinda cool.

Something I was thinking about when you finish smoothing the hole, get a piece of windshield edge trimming and line the holes, might give it a more finished look...

Regardless looks pretty good and is a pretty ballsy move there... Cutting on the expensive bits, creepy...
Those are the best looking frame sliders I've seen an I'm not usually a carbon fan. After hearing that Boneyjoes bike was saved by his they are now on my want list.
And they fit a ZX12 too Art. :bounce:  :bounce:  :super:
And I've had your ZX12 style mirrors stuck in my mind too, maybe it's a sign.

Nah, I like my busa just fine even if it isn't as good looking as my last bike or the 12. :wink:

Trying to stay on topic I liked the idea of enlarging the back of the hole to accommodate deformation in case of a crash. Maybe a teardrop shape would look ok.
Nice Bullet, Bullet lookin good dude.....yer first big buck mod....I feel sorry for the spending begins. :beerchug:  :beerchug:
Looking forward to seeing what comes of the most sano, or should I say Zaino bike on the board.
When ya get yer next paycheck, spend the entire thing on Busa parts.........wouldn't that be fun.    :thumbsup:  :beerchug:
Thanks Monsta. I figure exhaust is next. I've already ordered a PCIIIR from Johnnycheese. Still trying to decide on an exhaust system... I'm back and forth between Yosh, Micron, and BDE/Hindle Street Smart. I figure the BDE makes the most power but Yosh and Micron both seem to have the quality I'm after.
This snuck by me, Looks good bro.  I am thinking about getting some of those Light-em-up sliders for Lilah.  You can even set them to flash with your signals, kinda cool.  

Something I was thinking about when you finish smoothing the hole, get a piece of windshield edge trimming and line the holes, might give it a more finished look...

Regardless looks pretty good and is a pretty ballsy move there...  Cutting on the expensive bits, creepy...
Thanks Rev. It was very hard to make myself put that drill bit and hole saw to the fairings. Oh well, it's just a bike. :wink:

I thought about finding some trim to go aroud the hole. The thing is, the left hole is actually on the edge of the fairing fastener hole. There's no way trim would fit there. I think just smoothing them up will make them look clean enough. We'll see. :cool:

You going with one of the colored light up sliders or the clear? I looked at them and they probably would have been my second choice. I like some of the chrome and aluminum sliders but I figure plastic is more likely to collapse and/or break before frame damage is done. I think boney1 was extremely lucky that his collapsed instead of bending the frame! :eek:
Those are the best looking frame sliders I've seen an I'm not usually a carbon fan.  After hearing that Boneyjoes bike was saved by his they are now on my want list.
Yeah, all the bikes going down and being dropped lately got me thinking that I really needed some sliders. I had seen these on bikes on the net and liked them better than anything else I'd seen. :cool:
Those are the best looking frame sliders I've seen and a good looking installation as well. Not to get too far off topic how do you like the front stand? I stopped by and picked up the rear stand least week and it's far more stable than the stands I had with the last busa.
Those are the best looking frame sliders I've seen and a good looking installation as well. Not to get too far off topic how do you like the front stand? I stopped by and picked up the rear stand least week and it's far more stable than the stands I had with the last busa.
Thanks. :wink: And actually the front stand thing isn't that far off topic. It was a blessing to have that stand to do the sliders on. With the newfront you can turn the front wheel either way allowing you to access the inner fairing fastener on both sides without having to take it down off the front stand to remove and replace those two fasteners. Being able to turn the front wheel also helps when you're putting the front fairing back on and trying to get the fairing to line up with the oil cooler shroud. The Pit Bull newfront stand is worth every penny they charge you if you do any of your own wrenching on the busa. I can't say enough good things about this stand. :cool:
PITBULL!!! They are awsome, Oh and BT we got some spittin images!! But I only got a Busa Shed not a Busa garage!

This snuck by me, Looks good bro.  I am thinking about getting some of those Light-em-up sliders for Lilah.  You can even set them to flash with your signals, kinda cool.  

Something I was thinking about when you finish smoothing the hole, get a piece of windshield edge trimming and line the holes, might give it a more finished look...

Regardless looks pretty good and is a pretty ballsy move there...  Cutting on the expensive bits, creepy...
Revlis, do you have a link to those Light Up Sliders ?

By the way Bullettrain they do look good in carbon but want to see those light up ones before i buy.
Nice Bullet, Bullet lookin good dude.....yer first big buck mod....I feel sorry for the spending begins. :beerchug:  :beerchug:
Looking forward to seeing what comes of the most sano, or should I say Zaino bike on the board.
When ya get yer next paycheck, spend the entire thing on Busa parts.........wouldn't that be fun.    :thumbsup:  :beerchug:
Thanks Monsta. I figure exhaust is next. I've already ordered a PCIIIR from Johnnycheese. Still trying to decide on an exhaust system... I'm back and forth between Yosh, Micron, and BDE/Hindle Street Smart. I figure the BDE makes the most power but Yosh and Micron both seem to have the quality I'm after.
I'm kinda leaning towards the BDE myself.......recently saw a polished Ti BDE can with no decal........looked really good.
Can't remember where I saw it. :wink:
Looks great Chris! Pretty gutsy to just start cutting on your perfectly Zaino'd Busa, but they look good...

I need to get some know, given my track record of dropping Caesar on gravel! I like the carbon ones too...where'd you order them from? Mind sharing?

Oh, and I'll be traveling to Georgia so you can install them for me! I'm not cutting on my Busa by myself! :eek:
This snuck by me, Looks good bro.  I am thinking about getting some of those Light-em-up sliders for Lilah.  You can even set them to flash with your signals, kinda cool.  

Something I was thinking about when you finish smoothing the hole, get a piece of windshield edge trimming and line the holes, might give it a more finished look...

Regardless looks pretty good and is a pretty ballsy move there...  Cutting on the expensive bits, creepy...
Revlis, do you have a link to those Light Up Sliders ?

By the way Bullettrain they do look good in carbon but want to see those light up ones before i buy.
I'm not Rev, but go to to see the light up sliders. I liked the clear ones. Probably would have been my second choice if I couldn't get the carbon LP sliders.
I'm kinda leaning towards the BDE myself.......recently saw a polished Ti BDE can with no decal........looked really good.
Can't remember where I saw it. :wink:
Monsta, you probably saw the polished Ti Hindle can on Warbaby's site, That's the only place I've seen it. Looks great but doesn't Ti discolor (blue) with age and heat cycles? I'm not sure I'd like that...

Here's the "Glow Job" Hindle Ti from Warbaby's site...
This snuck by me, Looks good bro.  I am thinking about getting some of those Light-em-up sliders for Lilah.  You can even set them to flash with your signals, kinda cool.  

Something I was thinking about when you finish smoothing the hole, get a piece of windshield edge trimming and line the holes, might give it a more finished look...

Regardless looks pretty good and is a pretty ballsy move there...  Cutting on the expensive bits, creepy...
Revlis, do you have a link to those Light Up Sliders ?

By the way Bullettrain they do look good in carbon but want to see those light up ones before i buy.
Bullets link was accurate, although it is my understanding that all of the sliders are clear/frosted resin. The different colors are actually from the LED's. I have seen them on a couple bikes down here, and I must say they look pretty schweet and are surprisingly bright. Also when used as directionals are very visable.. WIN WIN...