Requirements to ride in WA getting tougher!

I was just telling someone the other day that getting a motorcycle endorsement should be like getting a drivers license. In Michigan all you have to do is complete a written exam and then pass a list of skills in a parking lot.

I think too many people know how to OPERATE a bike and think that means they know how to RIDE on the streets. I attained my endorsement by taking the MSF course and honestly think I'm a more prepared rider because of it. That being said I still want more training…hopefully next season.
There was another hit and run bike wreck last night.Guy ran them off the road and left them in the road, injured.There are far too many wrecks and deaths in WA state involving bikes this summer
Here in Newfoundland anyone wanting a bike licence needs to pass either a skills and written test at DMV or complete a training course just to get a learners permit. Then they have to wait anywhere between 1 month and 1 year depending on there driving experiance in a car and then have to do a road test. Only thing I wish we had extra was a graduated licence based on bike size and experiance. I see too many new riders starting out on bikes way to big for them.
to legislate away ability to drive anything as long as you prove the skills necessary to operate said vehicle is more "big government".
Although I do believe getting a motorcycle endorsement should be more stringent than it is I don't think that'll help . Many of the "accidents" I know of are because it's too damn easy to get and keep a regular driver's license . People are too busy talking/texting on their damn phones . I know I'm showing my age,but when I was a teen and early 20's cell phones were for the rich and those that had them were the subject of scorn . "Oh you're soo important" etc.. People today view driving as secondary to letting everyone know what their doing via text . "Hey,I'm at blah,blah,blah going to do yada,yada,yada." People get over yourselves!!! Vehicular homicide(which is what these morons are doing) should be treated the same way as killing someone with a gun,knife,your hands,etc..If the justice system starts treating these self-absorbed,narcissitic manure heads the same as they treat the friggin' gangbangers we'll all be better off!
Before I give my 2cents, bear in mind, I have logged over 1.5 million miles in an 18 wheeler. Want to make the rode safer? out law cell phones in all forms in a moving vehicle. make tail gating a loss of lic. offince. and dui go to jail 5 years first time, get caught again 10 years no paroll.
add texting and driving...take away the car and 5 years in jail......if it's really that freaking important, get off the road.
The libertarian side of me says let Darwin run its course, the pragmatic side says do what we did in Fla, make every new rider take the MSF course to get their license. Outlaw cell phones period, they are way worse than drunk drivers.
Well here is my oppion on this. Every motorcycle rider out there is just a cage rider on two wheels. Just because you ride a motrocycle do you think you are better than a cager or you driving changes no. I see motorcycle riders think they are better than other auto drivers all the time. Just because you get on a motorcycle do you think your rideing habits change. No same habits just on two wheels or worse. So get on your motorcycle and ride you still are a cage driver, rider, You do not change just like that. You are either a safe rider, driver or just ????????????.

Well to reduce the single motorcycle accidents pretty easy

speed camera.jpg

just need a 2- or 3 cameras and a lot of cases at he favorite canyon carving area, move the cameras around :poke: :laugh:

speed camera.jpg
Pennsylvania just enacted a new law for 16- and 17-year olds who want a motorcycle license. I think it's a good idea, and I think I'm going to sign up for one of the free safety courses. Here's part of the description of the new law:

"Under Act 84, which Governor Corbett signed on July 2, any person 16- or 17-years old who wants a motorcycle license must first complete the Basic Rider Course (BRC) offered by the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program (PAMSP). You will be covered by this change if you are scheduled for the motorcycle skills test on Friday Aug. 31 or thereafter.

"The PAMSP Basic Rider Course is free for Pennsylvania residents. It provides an introduction to the fundamentals of safe and responsible operation of a motorcycle and consists of 15 hours of classroom and riding instruction, five hours in the classroom and 10 hours on the course. Participants in the Basic Rider Course are supplied with motorcycles and helmets.

"Before they can take the licensing test, 16- and 17-year-olds must remain on the learner’s permit for six months and complete 65 hours of on-the-road training. Persons under 18 years of age also must show the DL-180C form signed by the parent or guardian that attests to the 65 hours of training being completed. The 15 hours of PAMSP training counts toward the 65-hour on-the-road requirement."
Needing to change bike licencse requirments means that bikers are killing themselves , Most accients are caused by cars not seeing bikes, drunk driving, ect.. . Wa. gov site shows as of June that we were only 20 deaths compared to the last 3 years that had 28-31 deaths by the same time . It didn't say what cause , cars or squids .
The Laws in Pa are good, offer a service to the new riders which might help them with experiencing real life situations. Please don't tell me what to do based upon what others might be doing wrong. We all need to be responsible for our own actions. I have a 18 year old son who just received his mc endorsement in pa. he wasn't required to take the test, and put his bike off the road shortly after receiving his license. He and bike are fine, fixed it without going thru insurance, and paying particular attention to detail. Most of the driver test's are a joke, with little real life as part of the test. Just another example of government thinking they have the answer. Everyone just needs to be more responsible. If you or anyone you know texts, or talks on the phone, or eats, drinks, shaves puts makeup on, or distracts themselves they are adding to the problem. It takes a chain of events for things to get out of control. New driver, bad conditions, dark, faulty equipment, others making errors. We should teach to be responsibility not blame.