I feel a bit sorry for the folk who scrimp and save evey nickle.I mean I sure dont want to be poor when I'm old,but I dont want to be rich and have missed out either. My harley weighs 8-9 hundred pounds,I wanna enjoy that thing now,not wait for the golden years to try and tour on it. We have a convertible now,I want to have my hair blowing in the wind now,not when I'm 70 and dont have any hair left.I guess,find the happy medium,have some fun,but have a plan aswell. Me Mum always used to say"Everything in moderation." If you wanna smoke,go ahead,just dont do 2 packs a day.If you wanna drink,make the bottle last a week,not a night.ETC ETC.
I've lived life exceeding that advice at times,but I sure have had fun. At one point I had 7 insured vehicles at my house...for 2 drivers...thats nuts. So I cut back...to five.LOL. 5 is just right. Busa for me to blast around on. H-D bagger to haul us on longer trips in comfort. Audi turbo convertible for the HouseMouse because she works very hard and deserves a "Just her Toy", the big 1 ton turbo diesel 'cause it makes sense when you own a home(you always need a truck) and will tow a 5th wheel one day,and an old jeep TJ to haul the Rottweillers in so they dont trash the nice vehicles. Makes sense right? LOL.
Moderation,thats the key. Take one or 2 trips a year if you can,just dont let it or anything else become a sickness. Some folks travel all the time,and come home to a huge mortgage on a run down house.That aint right.
I just live life the way I want to. "Keeping up with the Jones's" fug that. I dont care what other people have. We have friends and family that are just a couple like us,no kids in the house. Some of them live in 5000 sq ft homes. Go for it. Not me,too much to clean,too much to heat,too much upkeep. I like my little place 12-1300 sq ft with a 500 sq ft detached shop. I'd rather have another shop than a dining room that sits 16 comfortably. I dont really feel to sorry for folks that lost it all when the bottom fell out. Its called living within yer means. We bought a house that we could afford,even if one of us lost their job. This idea of mortgaging to the hilt is stoopid. Folks figure home owning is a great investment,I disagree.Sure pay 400 G's now and hope it will be worth 8 when you go to sell it,awesome right,you just made 400 G's. WRONG.You prolly broke even or lost.When they were still offered some folks I knew took out a 40 year mortgage.Add up all those payments and all the maintenace and you just paid 800G's for a 400 G house. Mortgages are a great way to save if you cant invest each month for one reason or another. Do the math.
When we whent shopping for a house the bank said we were good to go,they offered half a million. 500K,no thanks. We found our sweet little house that we both loved and could retire in if we wanted(one level rancher,no stairs to break a hip on) for 161,000.oo Lots of dummies would have run out and spent the 500K or even asked the bank for more.We didn't want to live "Mortgage Poor." Sure,great big villa...spend every waking moment in worry and mowing 5 acres ever weekend,no thanks. My yard is 75X150 feet and I fuggin hate looking after that much.
Whatever you choose to do,I would say just live happy.If being a multi-millionaire when yer 70 is what floats yer boat,go for it.
If you like all the toys and travelling do that.
The happy medium is where its at for me.
All the best to all,with your chosen path.