Rich/Lean mixture settings

Kinda disturbing the plugs aren't the same. May wanna do a compression check if it persists. If your cleaning the fuel system you may wanna try some additive such as SeaFoam. Everything may just be a little varnished from sitting.
Your gonna need an oil change as soon as you figure the fuel out and may have to take it apart to look at the clutch. Kinda outta my league here.
I have cleaned the throttle body but there is no difference guys, i am really worried now. Engine oil is already changed.
She is misfiring till 3000 rpm and after that the ride is smooth, donno what the problem is :banghead:
I have tried everything now, no error codes, clean throttle body, new plugs, octane 91 fuel, clean injectors & new sensors.. NOTHING LEFT
Plz help guys...
Maybe someone will chime in on timing...doesn't the timing advance/change at 3000 RPM's~?~

I'm getting that from the older model 1000's where (if I remember correctly) they retarded the timing up to 3000 RPM's...ring any bells~?~
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how to set the timing ???

I wouldn't jump into that until someone says for sure if that could be the case...I don't think it would be setting the timing, but possibly a timing advance issue. Just a WILD guess, so wait until one of the tuners chimes in with more info.

The 3000 RPM thing just rang a bell, that's all.
i tried setting the throttle body butterflies (carb balancing) and she is running better, so now i am arranging the vacuum carb balancer. Hope that would solve the problem but not sure about the black smoke if it is coming due to the carb balancing.
black smoke and no liquid is coming, its completely dry. There is some black carbon powder which i can see on the right canister/exhaust
Have you made sure that the vaccum lines on the t-bodies are correctly connected - the line from the t-junction between throttle body 2 & 3 should goto the sensor on the air box - leaving it open causes the exact issues you are describing.

I had the same symptoms when the service center guys left the t-junction open and connected the air box sensor pipe incorrectly.

My tuner found it today, actually the vacuum line which goes into the iaps was connected to the aps. The iaps nossel was broken and we never realized it, so connected the pipe to aps. I was out of Delhi since Friday and my tuner called me to give the news, i am really happy to know that now the problem is solved. Will be able to ride her soon :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot for your help guys :beerchug:

Ankur, lets meet up some time bro.
The workshop is in Nithari market, opp Ram Vihar, Sector 30.
Glad that helped - i also learnt the vaccum line leason the hard way when the KRP guys in delhi messed up on mine and i had to debug it back myself.

Nothing is attached to the aps on the left side - leave it open. Also - dont forget to clean the plugs now, they will be black as hell.

Lets surely meet up - will check the workshop out in noida.

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