A few weeks back some friends ,and I were discussing going to Louisianian's sleepy town of Belle Rose to see Ygoslo run in NHRA division 4 on track razer a ZRX based drag bike . The group started large , but members dropped out due to health or work . So two groups rode out . Zrx Mitch , Rexter , Dave on Friday followed by Sundance , Tianne ( my wife ) , and I Saturday . Both groups took a back route through swamp land to get to the event . It was a Fun trip seeing friends , fellow race buddy's , cool cars , and good food .
We surprised my wife as it was her birthday #47
she didnt expect it
. A race buddy of Ygoslo cut me lose on his FSB goldwing Sunday . Must say quiet a nice ride tooling around hwy 996 listening to Johny cash on the radio . Derek made semi finals after winning several rounds , but was off on his light a bit , and dial so eliminated 2nd to last round .
Tianne , and I rode back Monday alone the long way with a extra detour route we read about taking hwy 83 loop to 319 and back up to 90 , then 14 to 82 . 415 miles later we were home after 13 hours . Why so long ? Well speed limits were very low 45 to 60 mph with a avg 55 mph signs the norm , but we were enjoying seeing gators , swamp , marsh , trees , birds , camps , and the list goes on .
With no set schedule or place to be it was out time / trip to enjoy . The hayabusa managed a all time high mpg @ 58.5 mpg on a tank lol . here are some pictures , videos . The drag video is Derek in near lane taking out competition .