Rider down (some time ago, lol)

Ludicrous Speed

As some of you may have seen in my sig, my 04 Busa was totalled in an accident the beginning of last Oct. I had not really posted pending any legal issues that are past now, so I will tell my tale:whistle:

Pull up a chair, it gets long:lol:

I had a week of Tactical training for work, so they gave me a weekend off (normally off wed/thur) and after I finished training, I took my (then) seven year old daughter for a ride. She had been begging me for months, but I never got to take her. I figured this would be the last time if the year before it got too cold (Oct 3rd). We went into town and fueled up, then went out by the racetrack to see who was there. Rode back into town and was headed home when a 17 year old kid pulled out in front of us (coming from the left) and slammed on the brakes. I braked as hard as I could, and tried to go to the right, but there was not enough room... The bike went down on the right side and slammed into the front rh side of his truck.

I jump up and check my daughter, she seemed ok, and said she was not hurt, and I turned around to see this kid coming my way. I am ashamed to say I lost it. I went at him hollering as he was saying "I didn't see you!" As I came up off the ground and moved his direction, his eyes went wide and he about shat himself:rofl: I can only imagine what I looked like with my armored Alpinestars jacket, gloves and a tinted visor coming his way in an aggessive manner:whistle: (I am 6'3 and at the time 250lbs) He kept coming up to me and trying to talk and apologise. I finally told him, "Listen, do yourself a favor and go sit in your truck. I do not want to talk to you and if you keep bugging me, I might do or say something we BOTH will regret!" He finally got the idea and went away.

The police were there immediately. The Asst. Chief was sitting behind him on his way to another call. They had just installed video cameras in his car the week before, and he got it all on video.

The good: My daughter was basically unhurt, got a raspberry on her knee a little larger than a quarter. A scuff on her finger so mild it did not even break the skin. She hit her head slightly on the pavement, only known after I inspected her helmet. Very MINOR scratches one one side. I was for the most part, ok. No broken bones, two minor scrapes on my leg and ankle that would not have been there if I had worn my boots. (I know, I know)

The bad: The bike was totalled. They stopped adding up parts when they hit 9k. Also, my leg was fubared. I ended up going to the hosp for xrays later that day. Nothing broken, sprained or chipped. But it swelled unbeliveably. I was literally black from my butt to my foot. Even the bottom of my foot turned black! I had rehab for a month. It still is not 100%, but getting better.

Here is the really strange part: I hit the pavement at about 20mph, with jeans and tennis shoes on. The bike landed on my right leg, and slid. MY JEANS DID NOT EVEN HAVE A SCUFF ON THEM! I firmly believe that God was with us and protected my daughter and myself from harm. I mean, I can fall down on the sidewalk and would tear my jeans....

Even better: (SARCASM) He claimed he had insurance, but had no card. He was ticketed for it. My insurance called him several times, sent a letter in the mail, and he never responded. I actually stopped by and talked to his STEP grandparents (screwed up, huh?) They assured me he had insurance and I urged them to have him call and give info to my agent so they could proceed. Long story short, he called the next day and gave a policy number that was confirmed. Two weeks later, when the bills started coming in, they informed my agent that his ploicy started on October 4th, not the third when he hit me??? The little peckerhead is still driving around too!

Luckily, I had uninsured motorist insurance, Or I was screwed. They paid me off by thursday of the next week, and I now have a brand new 09 white and blue sitting in the shop with 130 miles on it. I got the bike just in time to park it:lol:
dang, bro, you made out like a bandit. glad your little girl was alright, and that you kept your head straight and didn't level the little bastard. he probably got insurance the day after.
Yes, he got it the day after. Now he goes to court, shows him he has insurance and then they drop the ticket...:banghead:

I think back to a couple times I took my daughter for a ride and wore NO gear.... "Hey, I am just going to putt putt to the park and back" If this had happened then...omg

If it is too hot to wear all my gear, I won't ride. She will not ride until I can find a youth jacket for her. A buddy on another board sent me an almost brand new helmet his kid wore about three times and a pair of gloves in her size. His kid just outgrew the stuff.....

:wow man, great to hear your daughter was ok. that's my biggest fear with my son (7) . I don't think I would have held my cool like you did. congrats on that.
Sorry to hear and glad you and your daughter are ok!


I would call a lawyer and go after the kid on your own. If he wants to play those games he needs to take responsibility for his actions. As far as his insurance ticket, I would call the judge and let him know the truth. In Texas you have to prove you had insurance for the date of the offense so he shouldn't be able to get around that... :mad:
glad you guys are ok. uninsured and underinsured is something everybody should have on their insurance policy. Arizona has a high rate of noninsured drivers (mostly illegal’s) and is one of the top states for people to run red lights. combine that with the large number of old retirees and i find myself dodging dumbasses everywhere.
Sorry to hear and glad you and your daughter are ok!


I would call a lawyer and go after the kid on your own. If he wants to play those games he needs to take responsibility for his actions. As far as his insurance ticket, I would call the judge and let him know the truth. In Texas you have to prove you had insurance for the date of the offense so he shouldn't be able to get around that... :mad:

I got a lawyer, but if the kid has nothing, I cannot get anything. They wanted to go after my own insurance company. Screw that, I am not suing my own insurance!
I got a lawyer, but if the kid has nothing, I cannot get anything. They wanted to go after my own insurance company. Screw that, I am not suing my own insurance!

who was the vehicles name in? may be able to make the party allowing him to own a car irresponsibly pay some damages.....

glad you and your daughter came out ok. that was a very nice bike was the frame chromed?
I got a lawyer, but if the kid has nothing, I cannot get anything. They wanted to go after my own insurance company. Screw that, I am not suing my own insurance!

I hear you on that one. The old man who hit me had nothing but social security and that is untouchable....You can sue the kid but if he has nothing all you get is a congrats for winning and a bill from your lawyer. Sucks but that is why you have your own insurance. My medical bills were over 3.5 million. I got stuck with over $300,000.00 of bills, that was after the old mans insurance payed out and after my heath insurance paid what they were going to pay. The old man had nothing to take so the bills are my responsability to pay.....how far is that? Count your blesings that your daughter was not hurt. Don't worry, Karma will take care of that punk kid. Props for not taking him out youself!
plus that kid is young, even if he doesn't own anything he will. sue him and the courts will levy his paychecks to pay you back. I couldn't do that cuz the dude who hit me was 93. Sue him, get a settlement, and sell the debt to those guys you see on tv about "Its my money and I need it now" forget there name but thats what they do.
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I got a lawyer, but if the kid has nothing, I cannot get anything. They wanted to go after my own insurance company. Screw that, I am not suing my own insurance!

All i can say is wow on that one .

Glad you and your daughter are ok .....thanks for the life experience i do the same thing with my kids just gonna take em round the block a couple of times..........gonna get some gear for em it would not be cool to lose something that precious :bowdown:
Bikes are replaceable. Your Daughter is NOT !!!!! Consider yourself lucky. Now find that kid and kick his ARSE :rulez:

Prayers Sent :please:
The truck is owned by HIM. He is trying to get into the Natl Guard. Did his boot camp last summer. THis summer is supposed to be his AIT. I talked to a guy at my work who is a Lt. Col in the Natl Guard, and he told me that if the kid has any outstanding legal or financial obligations, that he will not be eligible. Guess what?? My insurance company (Progressive) is going after him. Any money that they get, the first 1k goes to me, to cover my deductible.

My daughter said "When I saw that man pull out, all I did was hold on, close my eyes, and pray that I lived".

I think she basically rode the bike down, and then when we had almost stopped, she fell off. As far as accidents go, this one turned out as best it possibly could...
who was the vehicles name in? may be able to make the party allowing him to own a car irresponsibly pay some damages.....

glad you and your daughter came out ok. that was a very nice bike was the frame chromed?

Frame was polished, Canadian Mike arm was polished, wheels and rearsets were chrome....

I took everything off I could. Left the wheels cause they were in bad shape, chromewise. They gave me almost a grand for the wheels, rear rotor, and cush drive since they were chrome.

I have to say that Progressive was AWESOME to deal with. They have an automatic 3k that they give you for "parts and accesories". They would only give me average retail from NADA. I started to get a little mad, since average retail is 30k miles, mine had 15k. ANd was immaculate. BUT, he made sure he maxed out the 3k in accesories. That is the only reason I did not lose my butt on this deal. If I had the deductible back, I would have come out ahead.
OH, here is something I did not know....

At least in IL, when you get FULL COVERAGE, along with medical, you would think that you are set, right? NOPE..... If you go out and wreck your bike, on your own, and do not have a little thing called MED Pay, you are out of luck. THe medical coverage covers the passenger and whoever you should injure. NOT you! Been riding on the street for 11 years and nobody ever told me that....:rulez:
Glad you two are ok, :thumbsup:

Here in FL you loose your DL when you show up for the ticket for no insurance. They do check the dates maybe he is going to try some funny business when he goes to court, as in altering the proof of insurance.