Rider down.........

Ludicrous Speed

There are two types of riders, those that have gone down , and those that will. I now belong to the first group, unfortunately...

Long story short, went riding with my buddy yesterday, me on the Busa and him on his 05 1k. Went to a road I never had been to before, following him and lost the line, went off the right side, down a 4 foot embankment, thru a ditch, across some yard, across a driveway, thru some more yard, along a driveway in the grass and mud, before finally laying the bike down on it's right side and sliding about 10-15 feet. I stopped in some person's landscaping after sliding across their sidewalk. First and only bad word: DAMN! Stood up and looked at the elderly couple coming out of their house looking at me like I was an alien, lol.

Stood the bike up and looked at it, seemed nothing major. Tried to start it, fired right up, but started smoking. Killed it real quick and saw oil all over the ground.

I am fine, only a few scratches on the back of my calf where I hit the tank on the way off, a little sore here and there, but absolutely nothing else! I have to give thanks to LotaFunR for donating a set of alpinestars boots to me, they saved my right foot and calf/shin area. Had on my armored textile jacket and my newly repainted Arai helmet. The boots are scuffed pretty good on the sliders where I slid across their sidewalk, but everything else is all good. My buddy told me that he can't believe I rode it out as far as I did. He thinks I should have crashed at least four other places before I got to the birdbath, lol

The bad: RH fairing is shattered, I broke off a banjo bolt for the oil feed line, broke the front brake lever, and I believe the starter clutch cover? The rest is cosmetic. I have a so-so fairing I am going to put back on it for now......

Anyone have a brake lever and that starter cover?

Thank God it was mostly pride that is hurt, and nothing else. If I would have had the Icon motorhead boots, I would be hurting, those used Alpinestars did their job!
Damn, sorry to hear about you going down

So glad you're okay though...the Busa can be fixed...
Glad you are OK. And welcome to the club. Oh there is one more part to that saying...
There are three types of biker...
1. Those that have gone down.
2. And those that will.
3. And those that will go down again.

I am still trying to stay out of the third club.
Sounds like you hung in there pretty good, but also like it could have been worse.
Good to hear your spirts up, and that says a lot. Glad your ok.

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Yeah, I feel like a retard. I always told my wife that if I were ever in a wreck, it would be a car/bike crash, not losing it in a corner, as I don't like going out trying to drag a knee.

It wasn't object fixation, either. I kept telling myself to look where I wanted to go, but when I felt myself on the outside edge of the road, I stood it up and tried to pick my place, so to speak......

I have been depressed all day.......

HIGH FIVE FOR NOT PANICING! Glad the frankenstein bolts didnt dig into you like they did me. Thats what hurt the most. Really you should have removed your helmet, nodded and smiled at the elderly couple and asked if they had any grey poupon. Then picked up your bike like it was planned and brushed on your merry way.

They would be telling that story for days.

Glad your aight. Dont have the parts you need but I can start looking.

Wow. Glad you're ok, man. I gotta get me into some good boots....this story just reaffirms my suspicions that I'm gonna need 'em.

Post up the pics of the damaged areas. I have a brake lever with your name on it...and perhaps those bolts you need. Put up some pics an I'll see what I can do.

Good to know you're alright.

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HIGH FIVE FOR NOT PANICING!  Glad the frankenstein bolts didnt dig into you like they did me.  Thats what hurt the most.  Really you should have removed your helmet, nodded and smiled at the elderly couple and asked if they had any grey poupon.  Then picked up your bike like it was planned and brushed on your merry way.

They would be telling that story for days.

Glad your aight.  Dont have the parts you need but I can start looking.

LOL, if I coulda ridden off, I would have......

The old guy was really cool. First call I made was to my dad to bring the truck. The second one was to my wife. I commented that this was the call I was dreading. The old guy jumps in with "You need to start the phone call with, 'I am all right honey'"..... LOL
Here is the best pic I have for now.....  I will try to get a better one tomorrow when there is some light out.  Thanks for the help!


The cover is the black part with the silver plug. To the left of the broken oil line.

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Here is the best pic I have for now.....  I will try to get a better one tomorrow when there is some light out.  Thanks for the help!


The cover is the black part with the silver plug.  To the left of the broken oil line.
Alright...sounds good then. I got a banjo bolt, but it's from the brake line. I think they should work about the same, right?

I got a brake lever for you too. Little scuffed up, but a little TLC will get it lookin like money again.

If you'd like to get both, we can work out a good deal on the price.

How 'bout a little donation to the .Org and we'll call it even?
Shoot me a PM an let me know.
There are two types of riders, those that have gone down , and those that will.  I now belong to the first group, unfortunately...

Long story short, went riding with my buddy yesterday, me on the Busa and him on his 05 1k.  Went to a road I never had been to before, following him and lost the line, went off the right side, down a 4 foot embankment, thru a ditch, across some yard, across a driveway, thru some more yard, along a driveway in the grass and mud, before finally laying the bike down on it's right side and sliding about 10-15 feet.  I stopped in some person's landscaping after sliding across their sidewalk.  First and only bad word:  DAMN!   Stood up and looked at the elderly couple coming out of their house looking at me like I was an alien, lol.

Stood the bike up and looked at it, seemed nothing major.  Tried to start it, fired right up, but started smoking.  Killed it real quick and saw oil all over the ground.  

I am fine, only a few scratches on the back of my calf where I hit the tank on the way off, a little sore here and there, but absolutely nothing else!  I have to give thanks to LotaFunR for donating a set of alpinestars boots to me, they saved my right foot and calf/shin area.  Had on my armored textile jacket and my newly repainted Arai helmet.  The boots are scuffed pretty good on the sliders where I slid across their sidewalk, but everything else is all good.  My buddy told me that he can't believe I rode it out as far as I did.  He thinks I should have crashed at least four other places before I got to the birdbath, lol

The bad:  RH fairing is shattered, I broke off a banjo bolt for the oil feed line, broke the front brake lever, and I believe the starter clutch cover?  The rest is cosmetic.  I have a so-so fairing I am going to put back on it for now......

Anyone have a brake lever and that starter cover?

Thank God it was mostly pride that is hurt, and nothing else.  If I would have had the Icon motorhead boots, I would be hurting, those used Alpinestars did their job!
Someone is selling a stator cover over in the "For Sale" subforum in the "Classifieds" forum. Can't remember the boardmember, but I saw it last night. I know that I have a set of carbon fiber levers that I will give to you, or if you want to stay with the stock set, I think that I may have some somewhere in my little goodies box. I will look for them first thing in the morning and I'll let you know. You can have these free also. I have so much stuff that I often forget what I actually do have.