RIP Marco Simoncelli

I don't get it. Who has crashed more than Marco? So many crazy things on the track and he is killed so innocently. I am still in shock. I loved Maro's "racer" instinct and he made things fun. I am a big Rossi fan and I kneel before the skill of Stoner but it was Marco who I clicked the button on the DVR to see. "What crazy move do Marco pull today"

Thanks for all the great races Marco, R.I.P.
Simoncelli Crash video at MotoGP Sepang 2011 - YouTube[/url]

Not sure how long the above vid will last before it's yanked, but you can pretty much tell Marco was gone right then and there on the racetrack... even while his body is still sliding on the asphalt - sliding on the left side of his *face*- you immediately know he's just not injured... rather, he's gone altogether.

Unbelievably tragic.

Holy fooking crap.... 24 years old..... :unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy:
No matter what we thought of Simoncelli, he was indeed fun to watch. A man that took no prisoners. He was an up and coming star who rode like he was on a mission in every race knowing quite well that second place was the first looser.

RIP Simon, you will be truely missed!
I saw the video before it was pulled. Looked like he lost the front, tried to pick it back up and when it caught ran him right across the race line in front of Edwards who hit him square on. Rossi glanced off Edwards. Shame....
Damn, terrible news - poor guy was just a kid. Very talented rider lost. I guess if you play hard you pay hard :(

Simoncelli Crash video at MotoGP Sepang 2011 - YouTube[/url]

Not sure how long the above vid will last before it's yanked,

Already gone, guess they are watching closely.
so sad RIP Marco. here is a good article Even Heroes Can Die

"If ever there were a motorcycle racer who seemed blessed with the gift of immortality, it would have been Marco Simoncelli. Such was his talent that he routinely made moves which no mere human could hope to get away with. Then, in an awful moment, Marco was gone. Heroes can die too."
This news today truly made me cry. No matter what anybody thought of his "riding style"on the track this kid had mad skills and probably would have been a champion in the next 5 years. His talents and entertaining riding will be missed for a long long time. May God bless his soul.
This news today truly made me cry. No matter what anybody thought of his "riding style"on the track this kid had mad skills and probably would have been a champion in the next 5 years. His talents and entertaining riding will be missed for a long long time. May God bless his soul.

I personally loved his all or nothing riding. It was refreshing to see his happy go lucky attitude In the pits, with the media and on the track. He truly seemed to love what he did and showed it everytime he was on camera. He had the skill to be one of the best! MotoGP is less without him!

Via Tapatalk
I found this video. At 1:37 mark it shows a replay in slo mo of him washing out in a right hand turn and hanging onto the bike. Then the accident happens in real time during the race. I can't tell if the slo mo washout they show is the same one that happened right before he got hit by Colin or of is was another time he did same thing?

And I grieve for Colin as well. For this is something he will have to deal with forever. You can see in the video below he lifts and in a timeframe of milliseconds tries to avoid the accident. His rear wheel is even wiggling from him trying to do what he can.

Something I haven't heard mentioned is that it was probably Rossi who delivered the deadly blow to Marco. Cal hit marco mid torso but there is a reverse angle somewhere where it's Rossi's tire hitting Marco right on the neck/head.

That's really tough because Rossi and Marco were like brothers. Rossi is going to have a tough time living this one down. You can see by Rossi's reaction as he is riding away from the incident that he knew right away that it was pretty bad.

Racing is a tough sport but boy can it be tough! I just hope everyone can get past all this and remember that Marco would have wanted the engines roaring again as soon as possible. Not sure I could get my mind back together after an experience like that.