Road rage-i finally lost it.

I actually had some punk kid cut me off in his explorer the other day... the front end of his truck was all smashed and it looked like hell... i saw him look in his rear view before and after he cut me off... i gave him the finger and then he slammed on his brakes, rolled down his window and threw his soda out and it hit my windshield... then he took off. I swear if i would have had a gun i would have used it... i was so mad!
Had me going until I read that your beat the girl up....well hoping that somebody your size wouldn't do that. I had an old man brake check me today on the interstate. It pissed me off, but it also gave me room to get around him. I hate when people speed match the semi's so you can't get past them. Gotta love the bonus lane
nice one, I like the helmet part. It is hard to restain ones self at times, I'm getting better, alittle. I luv armored gloves.
Diesel--I'm reading your post and I'm saying WT*!!!! I actually had a snot nose kid cut me off in the left lane on the expressway the other day. I know he saw he 'cause his passenger in the back seat give me a "SORRY" look. I rodeup next to him on the shoulder of the road and smashed his rearview mirror. Now he's a got and excuse for being stupid!
Seriously though,

I really want to get a hold of some magnets with small banners on them. Have phrases printed on the banners like; "I almost killed a motorcyclist", "I forgot to look over my shoulder", or straight to the point "I'm a dumba$$".

Then I could toss one at the offending retard. Everyone else can read the banner until he stops, then the retard can read the message himself.

Probably not even illegal(the magnet would cause no damage, maybe a paint scuff), beats going to jail for assault
It's a South Florida thing; it actually happens, except for the wife and kids laughing. Some guy did the same to me, so I pulled over and called Sunrise Florida PD. The dispatch person basically blew me off, when I tried top give the tag number, he said it said it would be the drivers word against mine...

So I would love to provoke some a##hole so I can kick his a##.
Hee! Hee! Hee! that was so funny dear!!! you always come up with the funniest stories!
You should've added a part in there about a gun and me blowing the family up with the MOSSBERG!!!!!!!
Seriously though,

I really want to get a hold of some magnets with small banners on them.  Have phrases printed on the banners like; "I almost killed a motorcyclist", "I forgot to look over my shoulder", or straight to the point "I'm a dumba$$".

Then I could toss one at the offending retard.  Everyone else can read the banner until he stops, then the retard can read the message himself.  

Probably not even illegal(the magnet would cause no damage, maybe a paint scuff), beats going to jail for assault  
I love that idea. Could we make it a group buy?
I used to get all pissed off about the retards in traffic, but now if I see some F-tard driving stupid, I just leave them behind me and pray that they will cut off a cement hualer later on and die in a screaming fiery death.
Sounded like another Another Intro to a hissy fit.

Glad it was humor...

Extra Glad your Wife thinks your Funny.
Good support there.
This guy was driving with his wife and kids and cut me off. I knew he saw me and turned into my lane anyway. At the light I said "what was that for?"  He just started luaghing and then his whole family started luaghing, too.
That was all I could take. I took off my helmet and threw it, smashing his nose. That kind of stunned him a little til I got off the bike and got to his door and ripped him out thru the window. I punched him like 8 times before his wife came out and started slapping at me, so I busted her in the mouth twice before she dropped. The kids were so freaked out, the older one (around 9) tried to take off in the car but put it in reverse accidentally and ran into the cop car that had arrived. Siezing the moment in the confusion, I grabbed my helmet and sped away scott free!

-just kiddin'.   be careful out there.
I knew it was a joke when you said you hit the wife, because we all know you SLAP them, not punch 'em

Seriously though,

I really want to get a hold of some magnets with small banners on them.  Have phrases printed on the banners like; "I almost killed a motorcyclist", "I forgot to look over my shoulder", or straight to the point "I'm a dumba$$".

Then I could toss one at the offending retard.  Everyone else can read the banner until he stops, then the retard can read the message himself.  

Probably not even illegal(the magnet would cause no damage, maybe a paint scuff), beats going to jail for assault  
I was thinking almost the same thing, but I was thinking of making some stickers that look just like actual license plates, if you see the guys stopped slap the sticker over his plate.
bikr-kilr, a$$-hat, tail-gatr, fu*-hed, just a few that would work.

I made one today, with a full size sticker and it looks so real it's scary. I would imagine getting caught with a dozen of these may be troublesome though.

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A while back I was talking to my sister's boyfriend about getting cut off or generally f*cked with by cagers... he said back when he was riding he would carry a hammer on his bike. If someone did something like that he would fly by and whack off their side mirror...

I must admit, that sounds tempting sometimes.
Chistoso.. Hahaha.
Man seriously though I almost went too far once in the car when some young punk in a newer VW Polo decided to swerve at me as I was overtaking him on the left. Well, my car was faster than his and as it turns out I am better driver than him... I cut him off, made him come to a full and complete stop by braking and swerving into his various escape paths. Then, I got out and started walking towards his car.. Luckily for him, he'd rolled up the window and locked his doors. He looked like a deer in the headlights as I was begging him to come out of the car so we could uhm "talk". I decided not to punch through the window and put his lights out. I just watched him dampen and soil his shorts. Then he pulled away cautiously and courteously.... Punk azz! I would have loved to smash up his little car but self-control and logic over-rode the rage. So, I guess I am sane...
all i could think was how the charges were stacking up. you definately suckered me on that one.