Robin Williams Dead

A friend from high school lost his brother on New Year's Eve in 2013; Omar and I found out just as we were going out with friends to celebrate because some of those friends cancelled to be with the family just struck with the news of losing a loved one to suicide. He was someone that we all knew struggled with severe depression, and he was in treatment, for many years. Everyone that I know tried to help him, doctors, loved ones, friends. He was on meds and in clinics...on New Year's Eve he slit his own throat. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't even begin to put myself where he was, to slit your own throat. I can only feel sad for those that find themselves there, in such a dark place that the only solution is something so harsh and final.

captain said "It's never that bad" and that's the misunderstanding - it is just that bad and worse for those suffering. I'm seeing some posts on FB today chastising what Robin Williams just did, but he's not alone, and until you or any of us are there, you have no idea what that place is and thank your lucky stars every day of your life that you're not. Some chastise him for doing this because he was rich, he was famous, he appeared to have it all, but he was human and he was suffering, for a long time. He ended his suffering, and that's what he needed as hard as that is to understand.
Who are we to judge?
Only God knows everything.

I assume that people with severe depression are not really living life
but only existing in it. Why or how someone gets to that point I don't know - but it does happen.
I personally think life is short enough and I have no reason to cut it even shorter. But I'm not
in a state of depression. Sure everyone has a down day every once in awhile but that is not depression.

He will be missed - but we have movies and shows that we can remember him by - that is a lot more
then most of us in the world will ever leave behind - at least where a large group of people feel that way.
My Grandfather (my Mother's dad) shot himself when I was about 12-13. Devastated my Grandmother and Mother. He'd had depression his entire life, and he was apparently about to lose his job (he was a milkman and I remember going out on his runs with him when I was a child). It seemed he's run into a brick wall of despair and couldn't find any better way takes years to get to this point.
I just don't get it... I am not discrediting depression at all I know it is a real thing but if anyone at all it going for them you would have thought that Robin did.

I hope that if there are people that are suffering with depression here that they would reach out and let someone know... I will always make time to talk!

It's never that bad....


My understanding is that it can be inherited not necessarily someone having life issues. I have no background or training in this area.

Taken from wiki ; The understanding of the nature and causes of depression has evolved over the centuries, though this understanding is incomplete and has left many aspects of depression as the subject of discussion and research. Proposed causes include psychological, psycho-social, hereditary, evolutionary and biological factors. Long-term substance abuse may cause or worsen depressive symptoms. Psychological treatments are based on theories of personality, interpersonal communication, and learning. Most biological theories focus on the monoamine chemicals serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, which are naturally present in the brain and assist communication between nerve cells.
The thing is you can reach a state where you are unable to ask for help. A person does what their mind tells them. When it starts misfiring, there is no telling what can be the result. Just as you are unable to grasp the idea it can get like that, a person suffering can feel there is no use in asking for help because there is none for how they feel. Every situation is different and that makes it very hard to help each individual.

That is true I am sure... But I can tell you that in years past we have sent admins / mods driving hours away from home to be with folks that were asking for help.. There are a lot of people that just hurt and are alone and need to talk, in dealing with a lot of people over the years I can tell you first hand that there are a lot of folks looking for help but someone needs to see the signs or just be willing to listen.. In all situations we have been a part in the police have come and helped those members or family members helped them get care right then.. I don't want anyone to think they are alone, there is always someone willing to talk... if someone get's past the point of asking your right there isn't much we can do but I will always reach out and offer a hand first!


I thought about this scene from The Watchman when I heard about his death. The man could make anybody smile and laugh except 4 the 1 person who needed it the most.... himself

I'm not gonna sit up here and preach about what transpired or act as if he and I knew 1another. I grew up watching his movies and TV shows. He brought laughter and smiles into our living room......
I read something memorable today about suicide, from someone that struggles with depression and has attempted suicide numerous times. This person described suicide as one of the many side-effects of depression, not the outcome, which I found interesting. It was described as just another call for help, and that oftentimes the final outcome of suicide is not factored in the thought process. Just the act is thought out as a way to ask for help; something to think about for those that think suicide is a cowardly last act. If true, it's no different than the phone call to a friend in their minds. Perhaps many hope or assume they will be saved, or perhaps they don't even think that far. They simply focus on the act and that cry for help/ending pain.

That's just one person's take, a person that struggles. I bring this up because I always hate the judgement passed on those that take their own lives. I feel nothing but empathy with a few in my own family struggling with depression, so I'm always quick to defend what so many cannot understand. I try to understand; I certainly don't assume I know...

The comments I've seen (mostly on FB) about Robin Williams being rich, having it all, how could he not be happy, how could he do this, how could he be so selfish? - he still had a disease. Steve Jobs was rich too, and all of the money in the world did not cure his cancer, so society has got to stop judging this disease the way that we do.
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Well said Vabs :beerchug:

I think a big problem that we have in modern society is we elevate people who are famous & successful and place them on this pedestal of perfection. Oh they have money oh they are beautiful oh they are soo talented!!! Take away the money the fame or the touchdowns and what's left?..... A person just like you and me. just because you watch an actor "ACT" a character on a movie or see a guy score a touchdown in a game it doesn't mean you know them as an individual on a personable level. Reading a tabloid while checking out @ walmart doesn't mean you know how they live and what really goes on in their lives. I've read ignorant comments about him and other famous people who have died and it's mostly jealous sanctimonious azzholes who have something negative 2 say.

Money doesn't buy happiness.... Fame doesn't keep a smile on your face. they may have nicer cars and homes than us but they still stress & and worry about stuff, maybe not about a light bill or next month's rent but they still get divorced and feel emotions like disappointment and anxiety just like the rest of us
depression is like those on 9/11 who were trapped 80 stories up hanging outside of a window looking down at their own death. they know that jumping will kill them but the thought of flames from the fire appear much worse and probably are cause and it won't be quick and you will certainly suffer so they chose the less of the two evils which is the quick death. its not like the fire is at the door and gonna reach you eventually. that fire was in ur face and the pain is excruciating!

those in a deep depression feel the same pain. they know that whichever way they have chosen to end their life will surly end it but the thought of the pain and suffering they will have to endure appears worse to them at that moment in time so they too chose the less of the two evils. of course its not real like those on 9/11 but in their mind it is and the mind can play all kinds of tricks on people in a moment of desperation....
My two cents.

It is commonly known that many of the world's brightest celebrities suffer from bipolar disorder which more commonly known as manic depression. If Mr. Robin Williams suffered this way it would make sense and explain why he could take his own life. It would also explain why he was so dependent on cocaine in his career.

Now for some insight. Here goes the drum roll.. I have suffered from bouts of severe depression in my life that I at times believed could be cyclical and was close to throwing in the towel and self diagnosing as Bi-polar. However, it is my genuine belief that the Science of Psychology is still in its infancy and that many people are classified as something or another just for the sake of classification. Combine that with our government's ever expanding oversight and this becomes a gun control argument but let us digress from that.

Human beings and creatures of the earth suffer from these things. Do you ever wonder why that cat just ran in front of the car? Just playing chicken? Doubtful.

As for me, I am really hard on myself and dwell and dwell and dwell on some failure real or imagined until it shuts me down. That is precisely why I can't identify with any disorder.. What I have is beat yourself up and make yourself feel like a loser syndrome. It takes a fair amount of self help and personal exploration for growth in order to shed the mechanisms and merely recognizing the mechanisms to depression is a gigantic undertaking. My personal situation has at times been helped by not being left alone. Either, having a caring relationship or say being in a place that takes suicide awareness and prevention very seriously.

Once, when in a particularly bad cycle of self hate, I had a young NCO engage me, saying and asking: "Hey Jose, you seem pretty down, you don't talk and I am concerned about you. Are you thinking of hurting yourself?"

I said, something like, I am feeling crappy but no, not going there. Thanks

(This was on my first contract in Iraq in the first few months just hating having to be there and not doing much to enjoy the time just work, eat and sleep, but I got into Photography again, Got swole in the gym and got into Karaoke... It was amazing until I left)

Wow... It annoyed me and I felt invaded because to not answer would be confirmation that I was thinking of hurting myself. I had entertained the thought but I wouldn't take that step. I have found myself at that point time and time again thinking internally, God, I'm better off dead.... Then I think of the damage that would cause, the suffering and cost of burial. Shoot, my dad really trained me with financial guilt. Funnily enough, it is something I am reminded of on this visit. He just can't help himself to castigate about every little way I cost him to exist. The old bass-tardo LOL...

I am not the guy to jump, cut or blast myself into oblivion and to be honest, I just get fed up with running into the cycle of thoughts when it rears its ugly head. So, I stay distracted, I chase adventure and excitement, I battle to find a new challenge.. Sure, some or most would say, man that Projekt character is crazy as hell. But, walk a mile in my shoes and plug your USB into my database and maybe you would see why I walk my path.

Folks, Robin Williams took his own life because he found himself alone. Nobody was there to prevent it or nobody cared enough to look into the man and recognize the signs.

He was a major coke addict back in the prime of his career. Coke addicts tend to have underlying issues with depression and use it to stay functional through the down times. Imagine being a comedian expected and pressured to perform again and again regardless of whether your mood is up or down? How would you cope? Now imagine that your producer or agent sees that in you and slaps a mirror with lines of blow in front of you to have a little bump and get ready for work? This is the mechanism that hurt Robin and hurts so many other performers.

Now say, you are sixty three years old and your career is on the foothills of the downslope. You are back on TV for heavens sake and nobody wants you for film roles, and those have defined your career and your pride for so long. You think being on TV is miserable and wish you could be up at the top again... Nobody is there to console you and just like that, you crash into a dungeon of depression that makes your chest hurt so bad and your mind race with negativity and your body ache and your sleep suffer. And, nobody sees it.... Just you...

The belt in the closet starts looking like a solution as messed up as it is. Hey, at least you can have an open casket funeral and go out with that last hurrah... Just saying.

It is a sad thing that he felt it the solution but it is what it is. No taking it back and all the rest of us can do is learn from it.

It is my sincere hope that opening my mind to the rest of you will at least get one person with the dismissive mentality that "suicide is the act of cowards" to maybe understand what causes it and not be so quick to use biblical perspective to judge someone who suffered transparently and took their own life.

When you think of it.. He determined his own destiny. He was the master of himself and no one and no physical disease took him from us. He took a bow and exited stage left.

Godspeed Robin Williams... You were Great.
This is a pretty good tribute video for RB.

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Well I don't mean to spill my guts here, but I find myself much more capable of figuring it out after I got help. I went through a period in my life where getting up and living seemed harder than staying in bed. I didn't know it was depression, I just knew something was wrong and it consumed me entirely. Though I never contemplated suicide, I just had a general feeling that I can't function and had no desire to eat, work, have emotion or care about anything. In our family, we just got the job done, no excuses, no complaints, no whining. It got to the point where I didn't eat, didn't care to eat. I went to visit my sister after a family trauma that I had to deal with. I got off the plane and she didn't recognize me. My own sister. It was at that point I sought help.

I went to the doctor answered all the questions and was diagnosed with clinical depression. So they prescribed medications. Lots of it. Nothing was working. The only change was I was able to sleep, simply because they filled me up with enough sleeping pills that anything would sleep at that stage. That made me feel worse because I could now add feeling groggy to the list. Finally an astute doctor said lets look at your hormone levels. I was completely low in several areas. Like 5% of normal. They discovered that I had a 10MM mass on my pituitary gland. That caused it to be hypoactive (low). Because of that, I wasn't producing proper levels of hormones that drove all sorts of other hormones into low levels. The loss of A causes a Loss of B which sends a message to make less of C etc.

To add to that, the family trauma was my niece revealed that her father, my brother, had molested her as a child. Which caused me to go into a deeper depression because it was on my shoulders to figure out how to resolve all of this. I found myself not wanting to do my job that my family (my parents) hired me to do. I simply felt it would be easier to kill him than anything else. It became my job to tell my parents that their child had molested their granddaughter. He of course denied it and sighted that she was on drugs and is making it up to support her drug habit.

She was on drugs, because she was trying to kill the pain of what her father had done to her. Unraveling all of this took its toll on me, and my family. There is a specific clause stated in the estate management that says that any beneficiary that was convicted of a criminal act, would be removed as a benefactor to any assets upon the parents death. Convicted, not accused. He continued to deny it, and he has a mother that doesn't want to believe any of it. It drained me. It sent me into a depression that I couldn't get out of. My dad at this point wasn't of sound enough mind to handle it, so I had to figure out the right thing to do. My brother hired an attorney and promptly failed a polygraph. His daughter passed it. These are not admissible as evidence in court but we all began to know the truth. So I resolved this by getting my niece, also in deep depression at this point, extensive therapy, and that cost was deducted from my brothers future distribution. Her grandparents money was used to get her help and she is now a productive young adult and doing well. My brother has pretty much self destructed from this and has been removed as a beneficiary because he became abusive to my mom. My mom has disowned him and of course he makes the reason why he has ended up this way.

I am now on hormone replacement therapy, have been for 8 years now. I am here to tell you that depression can completely consume you, and you may not even know you are depressed. It just sort of takes over all of your thoughts of everything you do all day. I am a documented fact that chemical imbalances can be a root cause of why you can't cope with many things in life and it slowly takes over everything. You don't know you have a medical condition you just suffer alone. And from what I learned depression lends itself to chemical addictions. They turn to drugs and alcohol to figure out how to not feel the way they feel. Only to sober up and feel that way again. Though I never contemplated drugs, or alcohol, or death, I certainly considered how much easier it would be to just not wake up sometimes.

Robin Williams is a huge loss to depression. It could be driven by many things, but the fact that it got the best of him is a loss for us all.

A gifted man taken from us.
Absolutely a tough story to share Tom :( Glad you're doing better these days, but I'm sorry for all of the bad in the past with your family. I know most families harbor such secrets; they usually lend to bigger issues at some point in everyone's lives.