UH...Bullet? Just how the hell did you do that? Or were you home and grabbed the big guns? I would find a thin piece of High Density foam or something and put a little padding under that bad boy though. Wouldn't want the vibes to 86 yer 990.Cool place to ride! Shoulda called me - I'da gone!!! Take a day to get there of course....
So HOW did you snap a pic of the camera with the camera strapped down?? See! I don't miss a beat! Me so smart!
Would have loved to have you. It was a last minute thing, really. I had decided last night not to go because I had some stuff that I needed to do, but when I woke up this morning I said what the heck and just took off. I really needed the mental break and the ride done the trick.Cool place to ride! Shoulda called me - I'da gone!!! Take a day to get there of course....
So HOW did you snap a pic of the camera with the camera strapped down?? See! I don't miss a beat! Me so smart!
Don't it make yer mouth water?Pancake... food... starving... need to go now... kitchen calling...
nice pics
Yeah, I whipped out the real gear to do that shot. I gotta get a backpack or something so I can take the real camera when I ride somewhere that I might take pictures. It is a huge let down workin' with the 990 files after workin' with files from the Canon toys I'm used to now.UH...Bullet? Just how the hell did you do that? Or were you home and grabbed the big guns? I would find a thin piece of High Density foam or something and put a little padding under that bad boy though. Wouldn't want the vibes to 86 yer 990.Cool place to ride! Shoulda called me - I'da gone!!! Take a day to get there of course....
So HOW did you snap a pic of the camera with the camera strapped down?? See! I don't miss a beat! Me so smart!
I am thinking my next camera will be the little digital Elph, small enough to take everywhere and resolution enough for decent pics...
Sweet pics BTW, and I dunno what the hell that ugly freakin bug is but I would leave it alone, looks like something that would Suuuck...Get it?
Thanks. I had a blast even though some of the road across the mountain was being resurfaced and I could only play on one side. Luckily the side I had to play on is about 12 miles or so long. Made several runs in both directions.Very nice pics Looks like a great ride
Thanks Kev. and creeper. I don't know what kind of bug it is either, but it only rared back like that when I'd get close to take a photo. Defensive lil bastage!Hey Bullet. Great pics, Love to see the US!
As far as the bug,with that snout, looks like some sort of Weevil. Dont have many of them up this way, so I cant help much on that.
Stay safe,
Please tell me you'll at least snatch them cheap friggin' reflectors off.Hey, man, BACK OFF! I'm leaving my fender exactly as is!!
Factory, Stock, New condition FOREVER, warning labels and all. hahahahahhaha