Rode with my son for the first time on his new bike!

Smart choice for first bike, enjoy, my dad taught me to ride at age 6, many moons ago. Great memories...:thumbsup:
that is great!:thumbsup:

...but that honda rebel 250 is too quick! better don't race him on your busa, he will win!:laugh:
Great bike for a first time owner. We have a Rebel too, and when Mary moved up to a 650 VStar, we kept the rebel.:thumbsup:
My son and I ride together. Mostly just me and him and we have a lot of fun. We may not ride far but every trip is special. Spending time with your son is priceless. One day we could be separated and have only memories. As you get older you realize how much the little things mean. Ride all you can and have fun regardless what your riding or where. Nice pics:thumbsup:
Congrats to your son on the first bike and glad to hear that he took the MSF course first. A friend of my husbands took her class this weekend. She said you only wants a scooter, after this weekend she may have changed her mind. :beerchug:
That's very, very cool. What a great way to strengthen bonds!

Looks good. IMHO, take your son out and do some panic stops of increasing speeds. If a rider cant stop real, real, quick, he or she could be in danger.