Rosetta Stone Spanish


Pienso que la mejor cosa que usted puede hacer una vez el aprendizaje de cómo hablar la lengua básica es obrar recíprocamente con ésos alrededor de usted de modo que usted pueda conversar y moverse correctamente con conversaciones normales en vernáculo normal. ¡Después llene su vientre de un enchilada relleno pollo grande y tome un sueño con un sombrero grande para arriba contra un colmado local! :drink:
I am using both the Pimpsleur and Rosetta Stone at the moment. The Pimp is more so Castillian spanish (proper spanish) so they say Castellano instead of espanol and other phrases.
rosetta stone is supposed to be the best but i dunno if it teaches you the local or slang of regions.
hey, send me your address ... I have something for ya brother :cool:
I have that ultimate edition started using it haven't had time to finish your gonna need a microphone for the computer. It seems to work pretty well but the best way to learn is using it every day here in CA it's pretty easy to do :whistle:
they have lots of languages :whistle:

LOL, you guys are hilarious. When we start learning it, I am going to tell Juli that the conversations we have will be in Spanish, if we learn it and practice it, it will stick. The kids will probably think we are crazy, but if I am lucky, they will pick it up too. :thumbsup:
Don't know how old your kids are, but when mine were little, we only let them watch cartoons in Spanish. I think some of it stuck...
Don't know how old your kids are, but when mine were little, we only let them watch cartoons in Spanish. I think some of it stuck...

My youngest is 8, and he can pick it up pretty good. Like I said, when Juli and I start learning, we have already agreed that all conversation between her and I will be in Spanish, the kids will pick it as we go. I would like them to learn it now, rather later in life.
I have found that the best way to learn a foreign language is to meet a young attractive foreign woman that does not speak english so that you will be motivated to communicate with her.