I wish time permitted further but that add pack is not old school , it's the middle of a trend that removes the high metal content of the calcium and replaces some of it with newer overbased magnesium in effort to use newer dispersants and alot more to reduce sulphated ash , bore polishing and more.
Watch the trends in formulations both auto and diesel. You will notice starting TBN is lower but will hang in there longer over the interval . Mobil just switched full swing to it in that regard with more mag than calcium , TBN and such .
Next step could be sulphonates substituted for salicylates as EC/Lower Ash and low phos needs grow . It's been a long time coming .
Seriously, I got to get out of this topic. Take care
I have a 5W40 synthetic analysis dating back to 2004, which we shipped over from BP (55 gal drum) through my previous association with Mercedes as an Engineer. The analysis is pretty close, to what I posted above. Also the lower calcium and the higher magnesium. That was six years ago, or are you looking at something else?