Running from the police.

Yeah i have back in the older days when it was not as bad as it is now..Yes i got away if your wondering..:thumbsup:. Scary chit though
I have been pulled over plenty and generally no ticket or less than I deserve. like 2 years ago on my zx9 doing a wheelie at 90+ down I94 and the cop gave me "failure to use due care" then last fall I was at about 100 again on I94 (but going the other way) and the cop was in the ditch I saw him but to late and his headlights went on and I pulled over then his cherries came on :P we had a little talk about speeding and he followed me home to make sure I knew how to follow the rest of the laws.. But no ticket.. :cheerleader:

Moral of the story don't run! it's not fun you'll probably get caught anyway and you might get dead.

Drive fast/Live Dangerous/Have fun! Man up when you get caught!

yaul are killing me with this whole its so dangerous to run thing

have i ever, no
will i, quite possibly...

but the same ones talkin about how u can die running are the same ones hitting 150 on public streets.
that will have you pretty dead too lol...

dude just said u might die from running but quickly followed that statement with "Drive fast/Live Dangerous" come on dude
When a cop pulls behind you when you are doing ten or twenty over the limit is one thing. However it is a whole new story when you fly by him at 130 mph or more. When faced with the consequences of the kind of charges you would face if pulled over going double or triple the speed limit, running may actually sound like a better option. I'm not talking about going 150+ on the highway to get away, but pull into side roads as fast as possible to avoid them. I may not have stories with my bike, but once in my old vette I was doing 160 mph (wee hours of morning, not a single car for miles on the highway.) I slow down because two semis were in front of me... Before I knew it I see a cop car coming up FAST in the review. Had two options, pull over and "take my licks", or go for it. The semis parted, dropped three gears and punched. I lost the cop in ten seconds or so. It was the biggest rush of my life. Also the scariest as well. The only reason I ran was because I was not in the mood to go to jail, license revoked, thosands in fines, "get the **** out of the car and down on the ground now", oh did I mention jail time?
Posted via Mobile Device

I agree with you when you say you run from the cop when you blow past him as he is stand still. I have ran from the cops a couple of times when I have blown past them doing well over 100+ mph. If I am doing 20 or so over the speed limit I will stop and take my licks.
i agree with you when you say you run from the cop when you blow past him as he is stand still. I have ran from the cops a couple of times when i have blown past them doing well over 100+ mph. If i am doing 20 or so over the speed limit i will stop and take my licks.

yaul are killing me with this whole its so dangerous to run thing

have i ever, no
will i, quite possibly...

but the same ones talkin about how u can die running are the same ones hitting 150 on public streets.
that will have you pretty dead too lol...

dude just said u might die from running but quickly followed that statement with "Drive fast/Live Dangerous" come on dude

Right on.. See your point..

What I was thinking when I said that is that you are running, so, your mind is on getting away not necessarily on riding so you're more likely to get dead just to beat a ticket. I've done all kinds of ..hmm.. that I should be dead from. So I am not saying don't do it because it could kill you after all a blowout on a straight away can do that to. My main point was that you'll probably get caught anyway so unless the chase is your idea of fun. the risk is not worth it. And I've been lucky as have many others here when they just pull over and take it.

Hey and if no one ran where would all the cool stories come from :)

Has anyone here ever done it? Yes, we all know it is the most stupid choice to make. However if you are clocked going double, or even triple the speed limit, risk getting your license removed, jail time, huge fines, court, etc... adrenaline might take over and one will run.

We all have seen videos of bikers run from cops on youtube or tv, but imagine the hundreds if not thousands of videos that are not released because the suspect got away.

Thanks for taking part in increasing the fines here in Florida! :rofl:
I got pulled over last May for doing 120+ in a 55 zone. When I finally did see him, I put on my hazards and made him follow me for a few miles so I could pull over onto a solid shoulder. I was sure I was going to get either a huge ass ticket or have my license taken away and in my nervousness I couldn't stop laughing. Cop thought it was funny too and I got a verbal warning! This isn't the first time this has happened either. I've been stopped a few times for speeding and have never gotten tickets only because I've stopped.

Big ass ticket or possible death... I'll take the ticket.
Just you have a source for that information? I'd be interested in reading up on that. Not for running though.....

Isn't refusing to pull over "running/eluding"? I thought it was.....That's a felony.....

Not sure if it's the law or a Dept policy.. Just cause they are not chasing you doesn't mean they aren't using there radio's an working together with other Dept's an municipalities to watch an see where you go an then get you....

They can also have an officer stand out in the road with his gun drawn an put a bullet in your head an say it was self defense cause you tried to run him over.. :whistle:

Articles about Lozano - Orlando Sentinel :whistle:

If they never get anywhere near you or ever turn their lights on when they pull out I don't think it's running it still just speeding an reckless stuff... we aren't physic you know. If they get behind me or flag me to stop, I stop every time, But I have been good at keeping cool on the throttle 99.99 % of the time I ride, my DL is my bread an butter. :laugh:
Sleeper your a big fat liar.
they are not waiting.

and I'm home :hide: and :cry:

That's true. I hardly see any early in the morning. They're either sleeping or having doughnuts (Dunkin' Donuts.):rofl::rofl::rofl:
That's true. I hardly see any early in the morning. They're either sleeping or having doughnuts (Dunkin' Donuts.):rofl::rofl::rofl:

Did you say done gone and planted the seed havent you...
I'll be up watching Quantum of Solace for the 40th time.
When I get back with some freshies around 2:30 I'll post a pic.
Until then enjoy the before and after shots of last trip...:laugh:


Did you say done gone and planted the seed havent you...
I'll be up watching Quantum of Solace for the 40th time.
When I get back with some freshies around 2:30 I'll post a pic.
Until then enjoy the before and after shots of last trip...:laugh:

I just had 4 of those about an hour ago.:thumbsup:

I'll be posting the before and after pics of my trip, too.

By the way, I'm off again
Enjoy your ride Jesse! running from the cops ok :lol:

Thanks, Brian. I will enjoy it. No worries, no running from the cops.:rofl:

I'll be out again at 4:00am, come home around 6:00 to take my daughter to school and then leave again at around 8:30 and ride until about 2:00pm.:thumbsup:
Ran once in my younger days only to be pulled over 10 minutes later and received a costly ticket.

Last year developed a new philosophy, after being on a ride with a group of bikes heading upto Prescott, AZ. We entered a curve heading up the mountain and began accelerating out of the curve through the 100+ MPH range onto the straight away, only to find a state trooper parked in the middle of the road and him standing outside with a handheld radar unit, emotion kicks in, overreaction is exercised and I grab some brake which resulted in my first and hopefully last stoppie. Lesson learned as he flagged us by and waved his hands in a downward motion wanting us to just slow down.

How many accidents have we seen via videos and first hand, where panic kicks in because we are exceeding the speed limit and we see a police officer. I now try not to overreact and accept that If I get caught speeding it is a lesser problem than overacting and hurting myself or some innocent person by doing a panic deceleration, resulting in loss of control.
Running is the same thing, it is done with too much emotion and panic elements included, which normally degrades our driving skills.
Dont run, just trust me on thos one, it may work once, twice or 10 times, but it will bite you eventually. Its really not worth it. No matter how well you ride you cant control other vehicals. Just pull over, take your ticket like an adult and be on your way.