"S" Removal from tank

I set mine outside in the sun for about an hour & they peeled right off by hand.(remember there is alot of clear coat on the tank for protection & its just a cheap vinyl sticker)then I cleaned up the area with honda polish & presto!they where never there.
(qwknuf6 @ Aug. 23 2007,19:53) Set the bike out and the sun and let it warm up good ,or use a hair dryer and warm the S, grab an edge of the S and slowly pull off , there may be some adhesive left on the tank ,just spray a little WD-40 and wipe with a clean mirco fiber towel , then wax . no paint should come off .
Take a look
+1 heat gun would work too
FYI, the "S" is flexible, so it will come off easy after sitting in the sun.