Sad and Happy all at the same time...

stkr... you have to do what is need in order to feed your hobbies. i am having to sell my dragbike and my gsxr1100 in order to keep my busa, so i know what you are going through.
if anyone is interested i have a 1986 gsxr750 dragbike (not a pro-built bike) for sale and a 1986 gsxr1100 streetbike for sale.
I remember Vaughn/Rip/Oracle doing the same thing a while back ... good luck Bro and may the force be with you!
If you look around, you can find good deals on track bikes.  I finally bought me a GSXR 600 track bike about two months ago.  It's a '97 with sharkskin plastics, Fox Shock, revalved forks, steering damper, plus a bunch of spare parts.  Price?  $1300.  It only had about 11,000 miles on it, and it runs great.

I've only done one track day so far, but will do a few more soon.
Nice bike.  That thing looks super clean.

I wish I could have found a deal like that, but I've been searching for a while with no such luck.  I'm sure I'll find a good deal right AFTER I get the new bike.
Check local Road Racing groups, they tend to always have track bikes for sale as their members upgrade.

Also, ebay always has a few trackbikes listed as well.
I was tempted to buy either Dave Stanton or Jeff Tigert's superbikes just before I bought mine.

These were their last year's 200 HP $45k bikes that they were selling for $12k. They are AMA racers who live in the local area and also ride on AFM club racing teams. They make the Busa seem tame by comparison, but I like living, so I passed.
Hey Man do what you think is best. i actually plan to get a 3rd busa and set it up just for the track.

If i could make a suggestion rather then selling your busa why don't you buy a set of race plastic for it? and do the swap? and you can improve the suspension so not only will ti benifit you on the track but on the street also.

Just a suggestion here but i can see where you are comeing from also with wanting to get more time in on a smaller bike i should talk to my friend i think i have a 01 F4i i could sell you rather reasonable that is already prepped for the track should be in the 2G range i think i will do some checking and chatting alright
I certainly won't exile you, but you may want to remind your wife that the insurance company won't pay a dime if they find out you use it on a race track (for anything other than a street riding class). You'll still have to put up the repair costs, so you might as well keep the Busa and get a used track bike. It would cost less in the long run, anyway.

c'mon, jim. keep the boo if you can, bro. i bought a used cbr f4i for $3000. now, it's not necessarily a top end track bike, but I don't plan on winning races right now anyway. just want to learn and have lotsnlotsnlotsnlots 'o fun
It's got some performance parts for the track, though, too. you can find a good deal. just keep a lookin'!

chances are now that I'll be seeing you at CCS next season, won't I?
Let me know what school and date you plan to attend. I'll try to go with you if you want. Alot of the school dates are booked, so better look now. I think the next class available is in July or August at Blackhawk.

I have thought about doing the same.

I have a guy I work with who will never ride street again. He only rides track, and I guess he is good enough that he has sponsors and such.

He said he was at the track last weekend and a Busa was there and he said the Busa just could not hang with the 1000's and the 600's on the track.

I have not come to the crossroads yet. But I have thought of it more and more, and very few people can own more than one motorcycle..

I am still making payments on my Busa, and a second bike is out of the questions until I pay the Busa off.

The wife has also told me no new boat until either the Busa is paid off or the tuck is paid off. And that has made me think about getting rid of the Busa. She never even mentioned ANYTHING about selling either. just waiting until they are paid off

The Busa I pretty much just enjoy, but a boat, the entire family and friends could enjoy and it is good quality family time on weekends......

Thinking hard about getting rid of the Busa now, getting a boat and then getting a new
B-King in 2007 when they come out

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Thanks for the well wishes everybody

I went by the dealership yesterday, and the deal they worked up was pretty good. I won't go into details, but there are vouchers that you can cash in after a certain period of time. There was one on the Busa when I bought it, and another one on the GSXR600. Here's the good part: I don't have to own the Busa when the voucher matures in order to cash it in.

When both of these vouchers are cashed in I will have $7500 coming back to me. The company that promotes the vouchers is basically betting the odds that people will either miss the time window, fail to include the proper paperwork, or just forget about it altogether. That way, they win. When this is all done, I will have been able to own the Busa for 1-1/2 years, and then have the 600 as a street/track bike all for about $4500 which includes the payments already made on the Busa. Without including the Busa payments, then I've done the same thing and the 600 only cost me about $1200. Not too bad really.

I really do understand what everyone is saying about getting a used track bike, but the way things are, I cannot come up with the cash to buy one outright. This allows me to have the new 600 and learn it from end to end as I make the mods over time. I can save up for a mod here and there...just not enough for a whole bike.

The wife does understand that insurance will not cover "track" damage, and she is willing to let me get race plastics to help out with that. We've talked about it quite a bit, and she is fully aware of the the future costs involved with getting the bike upgraded to support the progression within the riding/racing levels. I honestly don't know what I've done to deserve such a supportive wife.

If the deal goes through today, then I'll post up a few pics after this weekend.
I wish I could get into the track thing. I'm still in the "straight-line" mode right now. After I get bored and have mastered the quarter-mile track, then the "road" track would be next. Don't know how long that's going to be since I'm planning on going turbo later this year.
The wife does understand that insurance will not cover "track" damage, and she is willing to let me get race plastics to help out with that.  We've talked about it quite a bit, and she is fully aware of the the future costs involved with getting the bike upgraded to support the progression within the riding/racing levels.  I honestly don't know what I've done to deserve such a supportive wife.
As my State Farm agent has stated: "If we know you race your bike on the track, we will cancel your policy. We do NOT provide coverage on race bikes."

Best of luck,

A track day and racing is two entirely different things. Most insurance companies cover your bike during a track day as a training event, just as long as you aren't racing against a clock.

YMMV depending on your company, but I would check into it.
I certainly won't exile you, but you may want to remind your wife that the insurance company won't pay a dime if they find out you use it on a race track (for anything other than a street riding class).  You'll still have to put up the repair costs, so you might as well keep the Busa and get a used track bike.  It would cost less in the long run, anyway.


Please refer to previous quote:

Same info, different words.


beerchug.gif was sort of a bummer. Not sure if the deal is going to go through or not. I'll have to wait until Monday to see what the credit union says.

Worst case: I keep the Busa. Not too bad a deal really.

Not in too good of a mood right now, because I seriously thought I'd be out breaking in the new bike. Hell, I've ridden the Busa for the last two days like it was going to be my last. Maybe it's for the best if it doesn't work out, but I was looking forward to having the 600 for the track.
What happened, are they trying to screw you out of the voucher deal? Why not just trade it in at the dealership?

I got about the same amount for my SV650 as I could have if I sold it privately.. $4500 plus that was $4500 off the taxable amount and here in WA that was worth nearly $400. So even though I paid the full list for the Busa + $200
set-up and delivery I still only ended up paying about $10,700 OTD when it was all said and done.
The dealership is not the problem here. It's the financial lending institutions. They're just being a pain in my a$$.

Long story short... Lost a job 2 years ago. 9 months out of work. Lots of credit used to offset the difference between unemployment and old paychecks.

We're getting things back ahead, but the lenders don't give a #### that we've still managed to pay our bills on time. The credit union may still allow the deal, but the others have said no. I'll just have to wait until Moday for an answer.
WOW Jim that's awesome! I look forward to racing as you in the computer game MotoGP 7!! hahahaha seriously it's a great idea and I KNOW you will have a BLAST! The track IS amazing fun peopel don't comprehend until they try it.
And the busa aint the tool the get better on a track
unfortunately You'll get that 600 when things work out right. And then trade up when ya need too. I'm so thrilled for you! and I was there to was you get hooked!!! hahahaha yeah yeah, I still have all that video... my power supply burned out and on I gotta get a better one yadda yadda yadda I'll get that footage to ya soon