Sad day in the hood

I have no problem with anyone who owns a pitbull. Keep the dog in your house and everybody is happy. Let it out and I have no problem if the neighbor kills it. I don't understand why anyone would choose a pitbull for a family dog when they have such a wide variety of breeds to choose from. Maybe it takes a certain genitic gene that's common in all pitbull owners, I'm not sure?

Pitbulls were bred for one thing and one thing only,,,,,,,,,"Fighting"! And,,,,, they do that very well. One thing most folks who own pitbulls are either unaware of or think it will never happen to them is, a pitbull has an ON/OFF switch. When the switch is off they can be the most loveable, affectionate, playful critters around. The problem arrises when the switch is flipped to the on position. No one seems to know exactly what trips that switch but it happens on occasions and nothing good ever becomes of it!

Are all pitbulls bad, absolutely not! However, all pitbulls have the ability to become dangerous and by design have that on/off switch built in. I don't trust anyone's pitbull no matter how docile or friendly it is. I love dogs and have a 10 pound poodle who thinks he owns me and probably does. But then, I've never heard of a ten pound poodle killing the neighbor's cat, much less their dog. :laugh:

Skydivr makes a good point!
I've owned two pitbulls. The first one was mixed with a Pug. Most of the time he acted as if he was a Pug. But no other dog could be near him because he simply just did not like other dogs. If he was outside, it was on a choke chain just in case something my happen. While I never feared my dog nor did he ever even flinch at me in any mean way, you just can not predict what will happen outside of your house with a pit. The second pit I had was great but he growl'd at me one day for touching his food and at that point I turned him in. There are some good pits and their are some bad pits. There is one fact that NO one can deny, if they ever turn on someone being it another animal or human. That individual will be hurt period. My son is 2 years old, and he like touching things what if I had a dog and he decides to poke him in the eye (kids at that age don't know what they are doing), dog gets mad then I'd have to go pycho on that dog.

I love pits, I think they are awesome dogs. But around kids I just don't have a warm fuzzy about it. It's like motorcyles, I love them, but they are dangerous. We have all seen the after math of what some pits have don't to people body parts. It's not a lie, you can search pictures on google. The problem is the worthless owners who can't even take care of themselves but decide it is a good idea to own a Pitbull. If every Pitbull was owned by responisble people then we would probably not be having this discussion. But since a lot of pitbull owners are stupid this type of thing will continue to happen.
I love my pits I've had them my whole life, not people aggressive dogs, just dog aggressive, dalmations are dog aggressive, but because the are week mutts and can't do as much damage they are never noticed by the public, and they are one of the most human aggressive dogs also

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Watch out they will eat your kids

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Sir, have you completely lost your mind?? :laugh:

Nope pretty much all here lol, my son wouldn't stay out the cookie jar, got tired of spanking him so I said hell everybody says these dogs will hurt people and kids so I figured I'd toss him to the human vicious dog I own and see if that would learn him, dog bout peeled the hide of his face licking his snotty nose, and I told my son that'll teach you now you smell like kibbles and bits lol

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Nope pretty much all here lol, my son wouldn't stay out the cookie jar, got tired of spanking him so I said hell everybody says these dogs will hurt people and kids so I figured I'd toss him to the human vicious dog I own and see if that would learn him, dog bout peeled the hide of his face licking his snotty nose, and I told my son that'll teach you now you smell like kibbles and bits lol

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Works every time!:thumbsup:

My 15 month old grand daughter drug mine all over the house last night. Poor pup was ready for bed when she went home! I had a hard time wrestling my pillow away from him.:biggrin:
Looks like i opend a big box of argument starting. Sorry about that. If you like pits and raise them right then good on ya. But if you own a dog like the one that ripped the throat out of my neighbors dog then you need to be shot.
Thats a bummer. I once owned a pitbull for a short time and she was one of the nicest dogs I have owned. I had one person tell me that their view of the breed was changed after getting to know her (Sheena).
If any dog I owned killed another persons pet, I would totally understand if it didn`t come home one day.

ETA- I suppose I`d take care of it myself if I knew for sure my dog were responsible.
Looks like i opend a big box of argument starting. Sorry about that. If you like pits and raise them right then good on ya. But if you own a dog like the one that ripped the throat out of my neighbors dog then you need to be shot.

I absolutely agree with you! The dogs only know and do as they are taught. Irresponsible owners MUST be held accountable!!

To spout stereotypes out of ignorance is stupid. Whether dogs, motorcycles, gun ownership or whatever, if you do not know what your talking about then just be quiet!!

I am very sorry that you had to witness this attack. I hope all responsible are dealt with!!!
Bret, like I said, it will be too little too late if that switch gets flipped to on. It's your choice, and I hope for your sake (and those with the kids pics) that that switch never goes to "ON". We aren't insulting you, just stating our personal opinion. I will never own a pit, and I will never EVER trust one. I will not EVER gamble with my childs life.
Bret, like I said, it will be too little too late if that switch gets flipped to on. It's your choice, and I hope for your sake (and those with the kids pics) that that switch never goes to "ON". We aren't insulting you, just stating our personal opinion. I will never own a pit, and I will never EVER trust one. I will not EVER gamble with my childs life.

I had a whole bunch of stuff to say..... I wrote it all out, but then thought.... No... I would be wasting my time....

Food for thought.... More kids dies every year from car accidents so each time we take them for a car ride we gamble with our kids life..... If you will not EVER gamble you and your kids will miss many things this small world has to offer... Best of luck..
Bret, like I said, it will be too little too late if that switch gets flipped to on. It's your choice, and I hope for your sake (and those with the kids pics) that that switch never goes to "ON". We aren't insulting you, just stating our personal opinion. I will never own a pit, and I will never EVER trust one. I will not EVER gamble with my childs life.

That was mainly directed at Tuf. He got personal and so did I. I respect YOUR opinion don't agree with it but respect it.

I am very informed when it comes to Pits and Rotties. I made sure I was as responsible an owner as possible. I have a very well balanced, socialized and trained Pit. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what, where and when he is going to do. Anything less with any breed is unacceptable!! Comparing a dog like that to some mongrel is absurd!! There are thousands upon thousands of "dangerous" breed dogs out there that pose less of a threat than your average toy breed.