Sad day in Washington... Four officers ambushed and killed.

Life is life,I can't believe you all think it's right that he is dead....hmmm hope none of you ever have a mental breakdown or something tradgic in life turns you against what you believe in today...what is 1 of theten commandments?Are you know better than God to decide?You'll better start rethinking what your beliefs were before this day...

Finally! Someone else who has seen the light! How can you say God bless this and God bless that! God bless this country! At the same time every one of his rules that they are suppose to follow are being broken. They always come up with some excuse about doing Gods work.

I stopped going to church long ago because I saw through the bull. Pastors are just out for the money these days! It is a big competition of who's got what and how they are dressed and competition about who's church is better than the others.

Just like I said before, there have been big changes that have gradually taken place that people have not realized because it was so casual. I see more and more men dressing as women and women dressing as men. I see more and more sex crimes, divorces, killings, robbing, stealing etc. A lot of it was behind closed doors and some not, but now it is all in the open for the world to see.
I'd rather guys like this just a hail of bullets is fine by me. I'd rather NOT pay for his sorry butt to rot in jail with more rights that many living in America cable, a hot meal, clothes, a bed to sleep in, for what? Taking out 4 cops? Please...good riddance...
Life is life,I can't believe you all think it's right that he is dead....hmmm hope none of you ever have a mental breakdown or something tradgic in life turns you against what you believe in today...what is 1 of theten commandments?Are you know better than God to decide?You'll better start rethinking what your beliefs were before this day...

The guy killed four COPS, taking them from their families. He was asking for suicide by COP. He got what he asked for. It is justice in many people's eyes regardless of religious belief.
The guy killed four COPS, taking them from their families. He was asking for suicide by COP. He got what he asked for. It is justice in many people's eyes regardless of religious belief.

I can feel your pain thru your words,I feel sorry for the officers that died and their families,but it still doesn't make it right.I would rather have had a chance to sit and talk to the gentleman than to watch the last breath of life pass from his body thru a lense of a telescope...Have you ever wanted someone to listen to your pains and they wouldn't?what was your first reaction to them ignoring you?We as a world need to embrace each other as God and all his people once did,they all eat from the same loaf of bread can yu say you have done that with a stranger lately?1 fish can feed a family but a greedy man will never be full from 1 sandwich..

I'm gonna leave it alone cause what it all shows me as I read is there is no compassion for man kind regardless of his faults,hence the reason the world's affairs are washing away as the toilet flushes with each move of the toilets paddle..God Died for all of our sins who are we to judge.
I understand something being truly against what your core being finds moral and ethical one can or should try to change that within you. Having said that, there are those that truly believe in an eye-for-an-eye so to speak, and I don't think you'll change those views either. This is where most respectfully agree to disagree; it's what you can live with that drives you...for each, that threshold is different but should not be negated...
A gentleman does not shoot and kill four random cops for no apparent reason.

You dont know the mans past. You dont know what hes gone through and you dont know anything but what the media wants to share with you.

I dont agree with what the man has done WHAT so ever (im planning on being Seattle Police).. But to just say "kill him and turn your back" is just pure ignorance. What about the mans family? What if he had children as well? They said the man had mental issues.
Why are you going to fault the children and his family for what he has done??
You dont know the mans past. You dont know what hes gone through and you dont know anything but what the media wants to share with you.

I dont agree with what the man has done WHAT so ever (im planning on being Seattle Police).. But to just say "kill him and turn your back" is just pure ignorance. What about the mans family? What if he had children as well? They said the man had mental issues.
Why are you going to fault the children and his family for what he has done??

Oh, right I forgot, he is just another victim of the corrupt justice system. He somehow managed to do enough bad stuff in Arkansas as a youth to get sentenced to 108years but had it commuted by niceguy Huckabee only to reoffend and end up incarcerated for several more years.
That's right, poor guy, lets cut him a break again now that he's blown away four cops. He needs help, lets rehab him and see if he needs counseling for some underlying condition.... :poke:

Any condition that leads you to kill people like that and claim to be the messiah sees you six feet under in my book. ???
I dont agree with what the man has done WHAT so ever (im planning on being Seattle Police).. But to just say "kill him and turn your back" is just pure ignorance.

And another thing: You may have a change of opinion if you ever put the badge on.
I know some of you guys are Blaming Huckabee, but lets look at the FACTS. The guy was sentenced for 108 years as a 16 year old. At 27 the ENTIRE Parole Board AND the Sentencing Judge recommended his sentence be Commutted to 47 years. There were NO desending opinions. The Guy is later Paroled, breaks his Parole, is re-arrested, but because of the Prosecuting Attorneys LATE charges the Judges dismisses the case.

NOW, he moves to Washington. Commits 8 FELONYS, among which is assaulting an Officer, raping a 12 YEAR OLD and (with all the background information) the Judge in WASHINGTON allows him out on a $15,000 bail amount.

So, how is this ALL HUCKABEEs fault. If so, I guess NO ONE, NO MATTER what the case should be allowed a sentence to be commuted, especially one made by a 16 year old.
I know some of you guys are Blaming Huckabee, but lets look at the FACTS. The guy was sentenced for 108 years as a 16 year old. At 27 the ENTIRE Parole Board AND the Sentencing Judge recommended his sentence be Commutted to 47 years. There were NO desending opinions. The Guy is later Paroled, breaks his Parole, is re-arrested, but because of the Prosecuting Attorneys LATE charges the Judges dismisses the case.

NOW, he moves to Washington. Commits 8 FELONYS, among which is assaulting an Officer, raping a 12 YEAR OLD and (with all the background information) the Judge in WASHINGTON allows him out on a $15,000 bail amount.

So, how is this ALL HUCKABEEs fault. If so, I guess NO ONE, NO MATTER what the case should be allowed a sentence to be commuted, especially one made by a 16 year old.

I am not a fan of Huckabee but I gotta agree with you on this one. As you pointed out there are several gears in this machine and it took all of them working to give this guy a second chance. To point the finger at Huckabee is wrong. That said, I would not want to change it much because who knows how many people were given the same compassion and made the best of it.
And another thing: You may have a change of opinion if you ever put the badge on.

Im glad you think you know me and how i look at human life.

I dont believe in this "wild west" attitude. I dont think someone should just kill a man without getting a full evaluation of the perp. What makes you think he wasnt in his right mind when he committed the crimes? How do you know he wasnt off of his meds and just went crazy and acted out of insanity.

If everything was premeditated and he knew what he was doing from step one. Then yes, I agree with the death sentence after the legal system has run its course.
To mention God in the same sentence as criticizing someone for saying that they are glad he is dead doesn't make sense to me.

He is dead... Which means it was part of God's plan.
How is it wrong to applaud God's plan?

I'm glad that it turned out this way, and won't apologize for it.
This world is filled with scum, and i'm perfectly ok with it being taken out in any way possible.

Like I said before if this dirtbag was arrested and put in prison he would have been a hero for the rest of his life.
To mention God in the same sentence as criticizing someone for saying that they are glad he is dead doesn't make sense to me.

He is dead... Which means it was part of God's plan.
How is it wrong to applaud God's plan?

I'm glad that it turned out this way, and won't apologize for it.
This world is filled with scum, and i'm perfectly ok with it being taken out in any way possible.

Like I said before if this dirtbag was arrested and put in prison he would have been a hero for the rest of his life.

Well if his death is part of Gods plan then you have nothing to be angry about! The four people he killed were part of Gods plan to! Maybe just their time to go! Religion is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing.
People take it and twist it to fit their needs and views. I try to stay away from that stuff cause it just screams cult.