Safest Drivers in America?


Donating Member
Where are the safest drivers in the country?
Magazine ranks Des Moines, Iowa at the top; Columbia, S.C. the worst

I guess we do okay for an area of a half a million plus some.

article link
I'm right up the block from SC. They have a bad rep when it comes to driving. I'm not saying it's true, it's just what I hear
thats good to hear ,considering im planning on spending many weekends up there on the busa
I would like to know just how they arrived at their answer
? Is it per 100,000 or what ? Cause out here we would beat'em everytime, since there "AIN'T MANY OF US"
(boazalmighty @ Apr. 05 2007,21:18) thats good to hear ,considering im planning on spending many weekends up there on the busa
really? why? there's probably better road down by where you live than up here.... eh theres a few choice ones I suppose. what brings you to DSM?
(Charlesbusa @ Apr. 05 2007,21:06) hmmmmm,

how many driver are there in Iowa....

tractors don't count
it ain't the tractors ya gotta watch for - it's the dang combines....
Pay attention to the criteria though... Safest based on just a couple of stats The key factors in deciding the rankings include the total number of fatal accidents and fatal crashes caused by speeding.[/Quote]


Well yeah you're safe. All 40 of ya with a car, and nobody going over 55
? Sure, you're safe. Stuck out there behind farm implements ripping along at 25mph.... ;)

Just remember NY and NJ were also at the top of the list.... I proudly raise the BS flag and say without a doubt, that there are some pretty whacked statistics in use...

Never Forget.... Says so right on your license plates...

I diots

O ut

W ondering

A round

I spent enough time in Nebraska to know that IOWA is the home of the "Don't have anywhere to be" crowd.
Headquarters of the Anti-Destination league, and th eonly State in the Union that could make Nebraska look hip.
pick at it all ya like... I didn't create the report. The insurance companies do.... the ones that jack YOUR rates up cuz your city can't drive. BWAHAHAHAHHAHa
I may disagree with Des Moines being the safest but its definitely up there.
I wonder..... doesn't "Wondering" work also? See? I just did some wondering
I think there are some drivers around here that are really pissed that Columbia, SC beat out LA!
(WWJD @ Apr. 05 2007,22:09)
(boazalmighty @ Apr. 05 2007,21:18) thats good to hear ,considering im planning on spending many weekends up there on the busa
really?   why?  there's probably better road down by where you live than up here.... eh theres a few choice ones  I suppose.  what brings you to DSM?
the area i live in is 1 big pothole, thought d-town had quite a big bike seiieiene--i cant spell
yeah, that's true. there are bikes in large numbers up here. The Thursday bikes night packs Porky's and that other place I fergit the name.... pward help me out here! and then once a month Indianola town square COMPLETELY fills out - 90% cruiser style though down there. WANDER on up anytime
(WWJD @ Apr. 06 2007,22:38) yeah, that's true. there are bikes in large numbers up here. The Thursday bikes night packs Porky's and that other place I fergit the name.... pward help me out here! and then once a month Indianola town square COMPLETELY fills out - 90% cruiser style though down there. WANDER on up anytime
So, you are WONDERING about that other place's name, eh?

I guess we ARE "wondering around"

It's Trophy's - the bar/restaurant at the bowling alley

im learning as i go, new to the bike thing here, i also heard of a place called conesville, or something....ring a bell anyone